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Medicaid Cuts

edited March 6 in Off-Topic
It's mathematically impossible for House Republicans to achieve their federal spending cut goals without cutting Medicaid. Numerous poor people may suffer in order to extend/expand tax cuts which disproportionately benefit the very wealthy.

"Republicans can’t achieve their goal of slashing $2 trillion in federal spending over the next decade
without cutting Medicaid, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)."

"In a report released Wednesday, CBO found that the government spends $381 billion on programs other than Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that are under the jurisdiction of the Energy and Commerce Committee."

"That’s a problem for House Republicans, who are looking to slash $880 billion from programs in the committee’s jurisdiction to help pay for an extension of President Trump’s tax cuts and border enforcement funding."


  • tRump is a bag full of three week old Orange spooge.
  • edited March 6
    I actually don't think Trump will make it all 4 years. Why: Last time he had people to tell him that's a really stupid idea or that's illegal, don't do that. This time he has surrounded himself with "yes" people so there is no one to tell him don't do that it's crazy or this will blow up in your face. They all tell him every idea he has is great. He doesn't have the intelligence to understand he doesn't know everything and his ego will get in the way so I think he'll crash and burn. He has puppet masters (project 2025) telling him what to do but at some point when things aren't going well he'll resort to his gut instincts which aren't good and again all the yes people around him won't be a help.
  • Maybe, but the apprentice standing by is just as scary.
  • I'm not so optimistic. My thought: "Is he dead, yet?" But JD Vance is a spineless pile of dung, too. Next in line is Mike Johnson? Send in the clowns. There ought to be clowns. ...Don't bother, they're here.
    But THESE clowns are traitorous, dangerous, subversive.

  • Old_Joe said:

    Maybe, but the apprentice standing by is just as scary.

    JD Vance is turning out to be the best insurance policy a President ever bought. (not to mention Johnson coming up in the rear)

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