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  • Excellent info. Thank you.
  • edited February 17
    Going to be difficult if you have automatic refund routing information included on your tax return; given that this information is being solicited by Elon's Raiders. -sarcasm mode on- I'm sure, though, that said raiders have been scrupulously vetted and have valid security clearances -sarcasm mode off-.
  • edited February 17
    Good read.

    The opening sentence in the second paragraph has wrong information.

    I thought you can not open a new financial account if your credit is frozen. The article says otherwise. At least that was my experience with Bank of America even though I already have accounts with them.

    I shall let others proof out the article.
  • edited February 17
    Yes - The Fidelity lockdown is easy to put on. You can select the account(s). I have 3 locked, but not my CM account which I frequently make transfers in and out of.

    Thanks @Mona for posting this.
  • Mona,
    Thank you for posting this. Immediately after reading, I put "the lockdown" on my fidelity accounts.

    Thanks again!
  • edited February 22
    @Mona, thank you for the article. We have placed lockdown on all our Fidelity accounts. While it was easier to transfer assets, but it poses vulnerability within the system for bad actors from exploiting it.

    Edit: for Fidelity customers, lockdown setting is under the Security Setting where one can select which accounts one can lockdown. We transfer funds to our external checking account and get notified immediately via text messaging and email the $ amount is being transfer. Additionally, the receiving account notifies us within 5 minutes. As such, I can track the full cycle of money flow in our accounts.
  • I could never understand why I have a lockdown on my Fidelity account, now I do!. Thanks for sharing this information.
  • Jim3100 said:

    I could never understand why I have a lockdown on my Fidelity account, now I do!. .

    My approach too. “Lock first. Ask questions later …”
  • edited February 22
    Fidelity investors can enable Money Transfer Lockdown online with a few mouse clicks.
    Per the referenced post on, Schwab investors must write a letter which
    is valid for only 6 months. Furthermore, the lockdown restriction must be read and honored
    by a human to go into effect.
  • For Vanguard, it requires a bit more work. Here is an excerpt form Bodgeheads forum,
    HOW TO:

    locking down your Vanguard account against ACATS Fraud :

    yes you can at Vanguard ,

    however you must call the Vanguard "security department" and make a special request to lock down against ACATS transfers.

    Then the security department will request that you send this in writing to Vanguard , once they receive the request in writing, they will lock down your account for ACATS Fraud.
    Vanguard phone number is (877)223-6977

  • does this lockdown x'fers between diff brokerages within vanguard consolidated accounts? (e.g., family grouping)

    or to non-vanguard brokerages?
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