Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Probably fixed now. I don’t keep a portfolio there, but tested a few funds on the M* site (7:30 PM) and it appears to have correct prices.
Since @Art posted at 12:58 PM, he must be pricing ETFs or some other securities, as the OEFs aren’t priced until after 4 PM. There are some fine trackers at Apple’s app store. “Active Portfolio” (Ad Free for $30 a year) is excellent for minute to minute pricing during the day if that’s what’s desired - and otherwise not bad. Fails only once or twice a year.
But WAIT. i've noticed such before, too: My BLX shows the correct share price at M*. But the indicated percentage rise today does not jive with a different website. I go visit Stocktwits a lot. And Stocktwits shows BLX rose by 0.53%. But M* says +1.18%. I'm not gonna do the math. It rose .20 cents, to $37.84.
When I previously checked daily security prices/changes in M*, some securities were priced correctly while others were not. Quotes were stale for several days on a few occasions. I no longer trust M* to accurately provide this data and neither should you.
It shows my portfolio bigger than I expected. I may just stop updating the portfolio with any changes and save some time, until there is an all clear from sufficient number of you.
Morningstar Portfolios have had this issue for at least ten years and they will never fix it. It seems a lot to ask for people to pay a subscription fee or (especially) to trust the opinions of their writers who may very well themselves be working with incorrect data.
I like the M* Portf. Manager because I can self-construct a list the way I want to see it. And you can create several lists, if you want that. I've taken to comparing what M* displays against my Schwab account, after log-in. The Schwab stuff is updated and accurate much sooner, always. There are other tools and features at M* I often go to, always taking it in with a a grain of salt: A.I.-generated drivel is not worth my time. But at least statistics don't lie. (LOL.)
Are you saying that you don't trust writers' analyses of funds because they might be working with data that's stale by a day or two? .
No, I am questioning Morningstar data generally, given that the data I can verify is so often flat wrong. If M* current prices and daily gain info is (obviously) incorrect, then how can I trust their 3-year Total Return figures, or their Standard Deviations, &c. And, by extension the opinions of their analysts which are derived from those figures?
When you can find human-written analyses, they are, half the time, worth reading. The A.I. generated stuff is generic pap. I use Morningstar a lot. Yes, if you give them enough TIME, their stats do catch-up to reality. They have seriously deteriorated in terms of efficiency and the moment by moment and hour-by-hour updating of the numbers displayed in Portfolio Manager. My two holdings with Weitz always report later than my other stuff. At Morningstar Portfolio Manager, my Weitz stuff often is the same stale number from the day prior. It's truly risibly bad.
Exactly. Not just M* stats but official (fund sponsor) stats as well. As of 4PM every trading day the NAV of funds is determined, metaphysically speaking. That's reality, even though the funds are just beginning to calculate the NAVs then. It takes a while for the funds' official stats to catch up with this 4PM reality. (Insert allegory of cave here, reality vs. perception.)
The official numbers are "wrong" for some period of time. I checked WCPNX (I think that's one of the funds Crash has mentioned) on Friday. Weitz didn't update its performance page until shortly before 7:15PM. About the same time, M*'s portfolio tracker (legacy version) updated as well.
But the quote page for WCPNX didn't update until about 8:45PM. It was not "flat out wrong" until then. It was stale. It stated that the NAV was as of Thursday (2/20/20). That was a correct, accurate statement. It just wasn't the one you may have been hoping to see.
When M* calculates "their Standard Deviations, &c. " they use end-of-month data. For WCPNX they use:
Risk & Volatility MeasuresUSD | Investment as of Jan 31, 2025 | Category: Intermediate Core-Plus Bond as of Jan 31, 2025 |
Whether M* had WCPNX's NAV correct that Friday evening Jan 31, or even if it took until Monday Feb 3 to get it right, doesn't matter. I don't think that M* calculated the fund's standard deviations using older Jan 30th figures.
Or else, I login to Schwab.
Since @Art posted at 12:58 PM, he must be pricing ETFs or some other securities, as the OEFs aren’t priced until after 4 PM. There are some fine trackers at Apple’s app store. “Active Portfolio” (Ad Free for $30 a year) is excellent for minute to minute pricing during the day if that’s what’s desired - and otherwise not bad. Fails only once or twice a year.
Edit: Looks like the daily change can be wrong on some tickers as it is picking up the difference from end of Thursday.
But WAIT. i've noticed such before, too:
My BLX shows the correct share price at M*. But the indicated percentage rise today does not jive with a different website. I go visit Stocktwits a lot. And Stocktwits shows BLX rose by 0.53%. But M* says +1.18%. I'm not gonna do the math. It rose .20 cents, to $37.84.
some securities were priced correctly while others were not.
Quotes were stale for several days on a few occasions.
I no longer trust M* to accurately provide this data and neither should you.
I'm the opposite. I wouldn't trust any analysis that was so unstable that it would change because of yesterday's performance.
How to Lie with Statistics
for the first time, legacy view toggle not working for me today.
lasted longer than i ever expected.
stats do catch-up to reality
Exactly. Not just M* stats but official (fund sponsor) stats as well. As of 4PM every trading day the NAV of funds is determined, metaphysically speaking. That's reality, even though the funds are just beginning to calculate the NAVs then. It takes a while for the funds' official stats to catch up with this 4PM reality. (Insert allegory of cave here, reality vs. perception.)
The official numbers are "wrong" for some period of time. I checked WCPNX (I think that's one of the funds Crash has mentioned) on Friday. Weitz didn't update its performance page until shortly before 7:15PM. About the same time, M*'s portfolio tracker (legacy version) updated as well.
But the quote page for WCPNX didn't update until about 8:45PM. It was not "flat out wrong" until then. It was stale. It stated that the NAV was as of Thursday (2/20/20). That was a correct, accurate statement. It just wasn't the one you may have been hoping to see.
When M* calculates "their Standard Deviations, &c. " they use end-of-month data. For WCPNX they use: Whether M* had WCPNX's NAV correct that Friday evening Jan 31, or even if it took until Monday Feb 3 to get it right, doesn't matter. I don't think that M* calculated the fund's standard deviations using older Jan 30th figures.