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“The US will take over the Gaza Strip” “We’ll own it…”

Yes this is the latest as reported on CNN this evening . Yes,,, this is an investment question. When the first son in law starts developing water front property,,,, would that be an appropriate real estate investment for a retired gentleman? And how might the markets react to the 1st Cav deploying to Gaza City In defense of the second 51st state?Think it can’t happen? Think about the last ten days.


  • hotels all along
  • Wasn't that Lebanon once upon a time?
  • Hey! Orange Douche Nozzle! Ya, YOU, Fat Man! Palestine belongs to Palestinians. So go tear yourself a new one, jerk-bait.

  • edited 9:08AM
    In fairness, "Palestinians" never actually owned anything of note. Nor, apparently do Arabians in general. The Middle East has always been "owned" by the monarchs and strongmen. The anti-Israel militant groups strong-armed those areas which were ostensively 'independent' almost from inception. A "free people" never had a chance to develop. My two cents and worth every penny.
  • Gaza is just another distraction, keep your eyes on what Musk is doing ...
  • @PopTart - Bazinga! +1
  • edited 10:38AM
    @PopTart. I agree totally ! Much of what’s going on is distraction. Or perhaps a side show at a circus. The main event is musk and the castration of congress. He doesn’t need a hundred days to wreck what took generations to build. RIP amerika.
  • PopTart said:

    Gaza is just another distraction, keep your eyes on what Musk is doing ...


  • "Gaza is just another distraction, keep your eyes on what Musk is doing ..."

    +1 -- at least people are starting to see his
    look over here... not what I'm doing crap.
  • I wish the Palestinians would take over maralago
  • gman57 said:

    "Gaza is just another distraction, keep your eyes on what Musk is doing ..."

    +1 -- at least people are starting to see his
    look over here... not what I'm doing crap.

    + 100 Understand the players, understand the game.

  • Wag the Dog?
  • JD_co said:

    gman57 said:

    "Gaza is just another distraction, keep your eyes on what Musk is doing ..."

    +1 -- at least people are starting to see his
    look over here... not what I'm doing crap.

    + 100 Understand the players, understand the game.

    As the Orange One's predecessor famously said:

    “There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

    The stock markets seem to have picked up on this.
  • Elect a clown, expect a circus...
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