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  • edited February 2
    Ya, saw that. Buncha f***.
    Breitbart replaces NPR? Jayzuz snots.

    Our very civilization is being hollowed-out by these monsters.
  • HuffPo replacing Politico? Do they have a clue what HuffPo is about? Apparently not, unless Huff has agreed to a right turn for the access. Time will tell, I guess.
  • edited February 2
    This should be anti-music to Magat ears, from a Huffpo article: MX tariffs may increase immigration pressure.
    Another possible side effect of tariffs, the authors wrote, would be closure of factories built on the Mexico side of the U.S.-Mexico border. They were built after the previous North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect to take advantage of lower trade barriers. Without jobs, those workers may migrate north in search of work.
  • I think they did this replacement because Politico is well respected and and HuffPost is like the right-wing opinion equivalent to left-wing opinion of FOX.
  • How else would they dispense their propaganda? Project 2025 in full effect. Breitbart and One America? LOL.

  • Quite chilling reading this article from last year.
    There is good reason why he admires authoritarians such as Putin and others.
  • @Sven: recall that CPAC held their annual confab in Hungary in 2023, and Orban was a featured contributor in 2024.
  • The systematic destruction of a democratic government is something we all need to watch out for as in the case of today’s Hungary.
  • Sven said:

    The systematic destruction of a democratic government is something we all need to watch out for as in the case of today’s Hungary.

    Unfortunately, it's happening right before our eyes!
  • Unfortunately, it's happening right before our eyes!
    The plan was laid out by Project 2025, and that plan is being followed. Dump is going for full chaos - the more chaos, the better (for him and a few of his rich buddies). Power is being transferred to Dump, and it's happening quickly.

    A strong market drop would just be collateral damage. And heck, that would create more chaos, so it's viewed as yet another "win" for the regime. Dump will still make money off his stock and crypto forays - no conflict of interest there! None.
  • edited February 2
    That is the reason to fire all 15 Inspector Generals whose jobs are serving as independent watchdogs over the government agencies. There are apolitical civic servants.

    Furthermore, the major networks such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and NBC are in a mess. Well established journalists are leaving these networks. Also the administration is investigating PBS and NPR ! Taking away the media is the early step of breaking down the democracy.
  • +1.
    And that bishop at the National Cathedral owes me an apology. How dare she mention the actual message of Jesus of Nazareth?
  • Under the new Editors Law of October 4, 1933, the association kept registries of “racially pure” editors and journalists, and excluded Jews and those married to Jews from the profession. Propaganda Ministry officials expected editors and journalists, who had to register with the Reich Press Chamber to work in the field, to follow the mandates and instructions handed down by the ministry. In paragraph 14 of the law, the regime required editors to omit anything “calculated to weaken the strength of the Reich abroad or at home.”
  • It took courage to stand up to a bully and she did it during the inauguration.
  • Anna said:

    I think they did this replacement because Politico is well respected and and HuffPost is like the right-wing opinion equivalent to left-wing opinion of FOX.

    That makes sense, @Mona.
  • Sven said:

    The systematic destruction of a democratic government is something we all need to watch out for as in the case of today’s Hungary.

    Just fyi, my point was that the Orban takeover of Hungary has been a model for what the lunatic right is doing right now.

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