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M* Portfolio not updating

My portfolio on M* is not updating today. Stock/ETF prices same as close of 1/23/25. What is your experience today?


  • Same as yours. Stinky poopy.
  • Try turning off Legacy View..
  • edited January 24
    Sure, I could.... But that's the view I prefer. M* is always slow and late, anyhow. I like to go here for (very often) real-time quotes on stocks or ETFs through the day:

    Or else, I login to Schwab.
  • Perhaps it might be more efficient if you folks just listed days when M* is working properly ??
  • edited January 24
    Probably fixed now. I don’t keep a portfolio there, but tested a few funds on the M* site (7:30 PM) and it appears to have correct prices.

    Since @Art posted at 12:58 PM, he must be pricing ETFs or some other securities, as the OEFs aren’t priced until after 4 PM. There are some fine trackers at Apple’s app store. “Active Portfolio” (Ad Free for $30 a year) is excellent for minute to minute pricing during the day if that’s what’s desired - and otherwise not bad. Fails only once or twice a year.
  • But not all. No surprise. By Sunday night, maybe.
  • @WABAC- I love that! :):)
  • Old_Joe said:

    @WABAC- I love that! :):)

    I think I would probably feel sorry for the poor bastards that have to deal with these sorts of issues if I knew the gory budget and staffing details.
  • edited January 27
    Did M* portfolio update issue fixed? I could not tell and wanted to check with you guys.

    Edit: Looks like the daily change can be wrong on some tickers as it is picking up the difference from end of Thursday.
  • All working normal for me.
  • edited January 28
    Yup, same here. Looks to be correct. For now.

    But WAIT. i've noticed such before, too:
    My BLX shows the correct share price at M*. But the indicated percentage rise today does not jive with a different website. I go visit Stocktwits a lot. And Stocktwits shows BLX rose by 0.53%. But M* says +1.18%. I'm not gonna do the math. It rose .20 cents, to $37.84.
  • edited January 28
    When I previously checked daily security prices/changes in M*,
    some securities were priced correctly while others were not.
    Quotes were stale for several days on a few occasions.
    I no longer trust M* to accurately provide this data and neither should you.
  • edited January 28
    It shows my portfolio bigger than I expected. I may just stop updating the portfolio with any changes and save some time, until there is an all clear from sufficient number of you.
  • Morningstar Portfolios have had this issue for at least ten years and they will never fix it. It seems a lot to ask for people to pay a subscription fee or (especially) to trust the opinions of their writers who may very well themselves be working with incorrect data.
  • Are you saying that you don't trust writers' analyses of funds because they might be working with data that's stale by a day or two?

    I'm the opposite. I wouldn't trust any analysis that was so unstable that it would change because of yesterday's performance.
  • I like the M* Portf. Manager because I can self-construct a list the way I want to see it. And you can create several lists, if you want that. I've taken to comparing what M* displays against my Schwab account, after log-in. The Schwab stuff is updated and accurate much sooner, always. There are other tools and features at M* I often go to, always taking it in with a a grain of salt: A.I.-generated drivel is not worth my time. But at least statistics don't lie. (LOL.)
  • edited February 2
    "But at least statistics don't lie. (LOL.) "

    How to Lie with Statistics ;-)
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