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CALEXIT proposal could allow California to become its own Country

"California could become its own country. A proposal dubbed “Calexit” could allow the state to secede from the U.S. as early as 2028. The initiative, which received the go-ahead to start collecting signatures to get on the November 2028 election ballot, would ask voters: “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?” The plan, introduced by Fresno activist Marcus Evans, was unsuccessful already twice when he tried to push the movement in the late 2010s, according to the San Francisco Standard. The outlet reported that the most signatures he’s received was “around 100,000.″ Now, it needs more than 500,000 signatures by late July. “Republicans now hate us in California more than ever,” Evans said to the local outlet. “The hate was palpable in 2016. But now it’s palpable and focused....We’re absolutely confident the time is now.” To be approved on the ballot, it would need 50% voter participation with 55% voting yes."


  • Maybe we could hook up with Canada.
  • edited January 26
    And maybe hook up with western Oregon and Washington, a la the classic novel Ecotopia. Most eastern Oregon counties have declared by public referendum that they want to be part of Idaho, so it should be open season for realigning.

    Appears though, that Idaho doesn't want the Oregon counties. Except for Deschutes Co. (Bend), those counties are mostly a poor red state within a state. Idaho couldn't afford to take them in.

    To clarify, Deschutes has not passed a vote to join Idaho.
  • @Old_Joe & @Andy Stop this foolishness! With USC,UCLA,OREGON,&WASHINGTON all in the "BIG TEN" , I don't think they, NCAA, let countries play?
    Go Badgers, Derf
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