Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Unable to Login to VG account this AM. Getting screen that says call them between their M-F hours. Have tried Chrome and Edge browsers. Anyone else having same problem?
I have had VG a/c locked on Friday evening, but could get them working again only on Monday, 8:01 AM ET. And the VG Rep didn't think that there was anything unusual about this although my weekends were ruined.
After it happened 3x, I just changed my userID - it was similar to another user's and that careless fellow was locking me out by mistyping my userID but his password - a recipe for a/c lock after a few tries.
There is absolutely no one to call at VG during the weekends - not the customer service, not the account Reps, not the VG security.
@yogibearbull, did you receive a similar message as I above-posted ^ when your issues occurred?
I had a friend log onto their VG a/c using my PC. No problemo. Must be a similar issue that YBB described.
Whatever the issue is, it will end my relationship with them. Just can't deal with their "doctor's hours" any more. Dummy me for putting up with it this long.
@stillers, the 1st time the message was worse - that there was an unauthorized access attempt and my account was locked. So, I tried to login and saw that it was really locked, and I looked for any number to call on VG website but all had the recording to call during the business hours.
The 2nd time I was less stressed.
The 3rd time, I wasn't stressed, but frustrated enough to follow the suggested remedy of changing my userID.
From the VG message you provided, it's unclear what triggered the lockout.
FWIW, when I called Monday, 8:01 AM, I got through right away.
Any idea how/why all three of your lockouts occurred on a Friday?
My remedy as noted above will be a little more extreme than changing userID. I just don't want to have to ever again deal with this level of an issue in return for the now negligible benes a VG a/c provides.
I'll update here after the doctors return next Monday, or in this case, more likely, next Tuesday given the holiday!
Doctors always have after hour emergency number to call.
If you are moving out a taxable account, I would make multiple partial account transfers to make sure cost basis gets transferred right. Leave a few dollars in the account until you are ready to close out.
I have no issue yesterday using either Safari, Chrome, and Gogoduck browsers. Couple things you can try:
1. Reboot your computer or phone. 2. Delete the history on the browser 3. Type in instead using a bookmark.
Vanguard will lock out your access after three consecutive failed attempts. Only an agent can unlock it. Next Tuesday morning is the earliest you talk with them.
I have had that experience in the past. Good luck.
@stillers problem I think is what YBB described. Go enjoy your weekend and get on the phone with Vanguard first thing on Tuesday. Hopefully, by the end of the week you enjoy the service elsewhere.
VG still provides Flagship customers some (25/year) free trades on non-Vanguard TF funds. In the thread, someone called out an irony with this: "Funny part is that they are rewarding you only for keeping $ in a competitor's product."
An amusing nautical observation in the thread:"by the time I saved enough money to throw around, Vanguard lost the HMS Vanguard and Flagship branding! Scudder is gone, the State Street clipper is foundering, and I don't have a family office ready for the Northern Trust anchor"
Vanguard has deprecated "Flagship" much as Fidelity has done with "Private Client".
Vanguard appears to still provide free wire transfers for Flagship customers. Fidelity does this for all customers. Schwab waives fees on up to three domestic wires per quarter for households investing at least $100K.
Vanguard may still be the easiest (only?) way to buy Admiral class shares of actively managed funds. You can move these shares to many other brokerages and sell these shares there. But other brokerages generally won't let you buy additional Admiral shares.
The Vanguard Flagship benefits which I found beneficial were the TF fund fee waivers and easy access to the Admiral share class of actively managed funds. However, Vanguard's "clunky" website and numerous customer service issues negated these benefits. I was a Vanguard client for 12 years but transferred both my accounts to other brokerages in 2024.
You took the words out of my mouth. We too have moved on to other brokerages last year. We still have a taxable aocount but it will be move too in near future.
Don’t think AI can replace human when it comes to customer service.
Well the stress (has somewhat) ended but the mystery is not yet solved!
Here's what I did beyond all of the suggestions on this thread - absofreakinglutely nothing new or unusual!
I tried EVERY suggestion on this thread as I attempted to login in each day this weekend, at least 3x each using multiple devices and multiple methods, including one final time late last night.
No go. I'm waiting around this AM for the clock to tick to inside VG's doctor's hours, I figured, WTH, try logging in again one last time this morning.
I tried and (go figure!) it worked.
Using my same old VG bookmark and my standard method and usual device, I logged in successfully this morning BEFORE they opened and without any VG assistance. (Read it again s-l-o-w-l-y and try to understand it! I did and I still don't!)
Can't wait to have a VG rep try 'splainin' WTH happened when I do call later today.
Also, what @Observant1 and @Sven most recently said on this thread!
Although this didn't happen to me at VG, it has happened at another site.
On a failed login, it said to login after certain date & that worked. But the days or date to re-try logins were specified.
Also, if you have phone screen protected by clunky fingerprint feature, the success rate is 75% at best. It then says to try after a few minutes, but there is also a bypass option to use PIN that I go to.
I don't understand the logic behind these delayed logins - sites think that a fraudster would just move to something else. Maybe or not.
OK, so I called VG and was not disappointed in their, as expected (and previously experienced), insanely horrific customer service.
First there was the obligatory LONG wait to finally have a voice TRY to step me through my issue despite the fact that I did not want automated assistance as I know the issue can't be resolved via automated beings.
Then came the laughable recording, "Do you know that you can access your account 24 hours a day, seven days a week online..." LMFAO!
I then got dangerously close to an automated reset of my password that I neither wanted nor needed. Managed to abort all that before they created a new issue for me.
Next came the voice notice that I was more than welcome to stay on the line for 30-40 minutes for the next available rep. I of course opted for the automated call back.
Anxiously awaiting to speak to a rep whom I'm reasonably certain will have no idea why I experienced my login outage this weekend but will more than likely offer a shotgun blast of useless guesses.
So the doctors appear to finally be in the building. They just happen to be busy with other patients for the next half hour or so.
All that from a company with $10T in global assets including, for the time being, a bunch of mine!
So I got the VG callback and the mystery was partially resolved.
The rep cited the fact that my Security Questions were locked as the reason why I was unable to Login this weekend.
She stated that VG action ^ normally occurs after failed attempts to login or attempts to login on a different device. So she unlocked my Security Questions.
Yeah, but...I stated that I did not mistype anything as I tried to Login on Friday evening and never got to a Security Question being asked. The very first time I tried to login on Friday evening I received the "Call us Monday" message.
I also stated that I did NOT attempt to use a new or unfamiliar (to them) device to login BEFORE the lockout.
And the killer...She stated that there were no unauthorized attempts to gain access to my account.
Ugh. So, ignoring how/why my Security Questions got locked in the first place, the question became...
So then, how was it that I was able to login this AM BEFORE you just now unlocked my Security Questions?
Um. Well. Golly gee! I dunno! But you shouldn't have any further problems logging in!
Got it! Just puhleeeease don't tell me about some nice property you got for sale in southern FLA!
I once encountered similar issues with an Elan credit card. That, it turned out, was traced to my incorrectly imputing the 3-digit security code on a purchase which thereby caused an automatic account lock. But I didn’t realize the account was locked until several purchases were declined.
Surprised you were unable to resolve this Monday, MLK Day notwithstanding. According to VG, “In the event a holiday falls on a weekday or weekend, Vanguard is open for business.”
My guess is you inadvertently caused the account to lock as a VG pre-programmed security measure thru a keyboard error. But, who knows? The lock may have “timed-out” after a number of days. But usually it takes several (3) failed login efforts to prompt a lock (based on experiences with various financial institutions). However, with the threats posed by AI, everybody is (or should be) tightening up security.
Another possibility is this outfit (VG) is even more messed up than I’ve imagined from numerous board posts. It’s amazing to me they don’t have some weekend hours (maybe Saturday mornings?) - with “work at home” being pretty prevalent today. As far as I know, Fidelity has 7-Day 24 hour service (or darned close). And (”Knock on wood”) I’ve never been locked out there. -
Aside: Folks - When you provide those answers to “security questions” (ie: Where were you born? Grandmother’s maiden name?, etc.) avoid giving real answers. Somebody could possibly research that and use it to scam you. I use various scotch whisky brands as answers. (Best friend = Glen Fiddich.) There’s so many different brands it’s easy to come up with half a dozen favorites to answer different queries.
VG reps are worse than government customer service and I do not talk to them if I do not have an existing problem I need to solve. I made many suggestions to them to improve their service and when I figured out who they are, I moved my accounts (it takes a lot to push me away). They had a parting gift to me - when I placed the account transfer request, I also placed an exchange order at VG, which VG acted on by selling but not buying the exchange order and sat on the cash and the transfer out for more than a week, putting me out of market for a week.
I still have a taxable account there. Transfer out in 2025 in multiple phases to make sure cost basis transfers correctly.
Not too long ago it was fashionable in this forum to go after posters who posted negatively about VG. How times have changed.
I've been with VG for 20ish years. I've locked myself out a few times, mostly when I had the account locked down so only one computer could login. I think they key on mac address. I would clear cookies and that would for some reason lock me out. I turned that off once they went to 2FA. I've probably called VG 5 times over the 20+ years and 4 were for lock out problems I caused. Otherwise , no problems.
Here's the crap I'm getting.
Give us a call
Call us at 877-662-7447 to access your account. We're available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern Time.
For individuals with speech or hearing limitations, please utilize relay service, video relay service, and/or 711 to call us.
Return to
No, same problem on my phone.
I knew VG's "doctor's hours" would ultimately be the reason I dumped them.
After it happened 3x, I just changed my userID - it was similar to another user's and that careless fellow was locking me out by mistyping my userID but his password - a recipe for a/c lock after a few tries.
There is absolutely no one to call at VG during the weekends - not the customer service, not the account Reps, not the VG security.
@yogibearbull, did you receive a similar message as I above-posted ^ when your issues occurred?
I had a friend log onto their VG a/c using my PC. No problemo. Must be a similar issue that YBB described.
Whatever the issue is, it will end my relationship with them. Just can't deal with their "doctor's hours" any more. Dummy me for putting up with it this long.
The 2nd time I was less stressed.
The 3rd time, I wasn't stressed, but frustrated enough to follow the suggested remedy of changing my userID.
From the VG message you provided, it's unclear what triggered the lockout.
FWIW, when I called Monday, 8:01 AM, I got through right away.
Any idea how/why all three of your lockouts occurred on a Friday?
My remedy as noted above will be a little more extreme than changing userID. I just don't want to have to ever again deal with this level of an issue in return for the now negligible benes a VG a/c provides.
I'll update here after the doctors return next Monday, or in this case, more likely, next Tuesday given the holiday!
If you are moving out a taxable account, I would make multiple partial account transfers to make sure cost basis gets transferred right. Leave a few dollars in the account until you are ready to close out.
1. Reboot your computer or phone.
2. Delete the history on the browser
3. Type in instead using a bookmark.
Vanguard will lock out your access after three consecutive failed attempts. Only an agent can unlock it. Next Tuesday morning is the earliest you talk with them.
I have had that experience in the past. Good luck.
Please give this URL a try:
I googled Vanguard for investors and found the above URL.
Here's a Bogleheads thread on how little is left of benefits for Flagship ($1M+) customers.
VG still provides Flagship customers some (25/year) free trades on non-Vanguard TF funds. In the thread, someone called out an irony with this: "Funny part is that they are rewarding you only for keeping $ in a competitor's product."
An amusing nautical observation in the thread:"by the time I saved enough money to throw around, Vanguard lost the HMS Vanguard and Flagship branding! Scudder is gone, the State Street clipper is foundering, and I don't have a family office ready for the Northern Trust anchor"
Vanguard has deprecated "Flagship" much as Fidelity has done with "Private Client".
Vanguard appears to still provide free wire transfers for Flagship customers. Fidelity does this for all customers. Schwab waives fees on up to three domestic wires per quarter for households investing at least $100K.
Vanguard may still be the easiest (only?) way to buy Admiral class shares of actively managed funds. You can move these shares to many other brokerages and sell these shares there. But other brokerages generally won't let you buy additional Admiral shares.
and easy access to the Admiral share class of actively managed funds.
However, Vanguard's "clunky" website and numerous customer service issues negated these benefits.
I was a Vanguard client for 12 years but transferred both my accounts to other brokerages in 2024.
Don’t think AI can replace human when it comes to customer service.
Well the stress (has somewhat) ended but the mystery is not yet solved!
Here's what I did beyond all of the suggestions on this thread - absofreakinglutely nothing new or unusual!
I tried EVERY suggestion on this thread as I attempted to login in each day this weekend, at least 3x each using multiple devices and multiple methods, including one final time late last night.
No go. I'm waiting around this AM for the clock to tick to inside VG's doctor's hours, I figured, WTH, try logging in again one last time this morning.
I tried and (go figure!) it worked.
Using my same old VG bookmark and my standard method and usual device, I logged in successfully this morning BEFORE they opened and without any VG assistance.
(Read it again s-l-o-w-l-y and try to understand it! I did and I still don't!)
Can't wait to have a VG rep try 'splainin' WTH happened when I do call later today.
Also, what @Observant1 and @Sven most recently said on this thread!
After John Mellencamp had what was described by his docs as "a mild heart attack" his friends all came a callin'.
John was doing surprisingly well, and friends starting saying to him,
"Well John, it was just a mild heart attack, right?"
To which John angrily replied,
"You guys go have yourselves a mild (freaking) heart attack and tell me how it felt!"
On a failed login, it said to login after certain date & that worked. But the days or date to re-try logins were specified.
Also, if you have phone screen protected by clunky fingerprint feature, the success rate is 75% at best. It then says to try after a few minutes, but there is also a bypass option to use PIN that I go to.
I don't understand the logic behind these delayed logins - sites think that a fraudster would just move to something else. Maybe or not.
There are also a few other (reputable?) sites like Downdetector and ThinkAdvisor and none of them reported any VG login issues over the weekend.
So it appears my issue was an isolated one that it seems might happen to anybody anytime.
Like maybe me, again, this weekend?
First there was the obligatory LONG wait to finally have a voice TRY to step me through my issue despite the fact that I did not want automated assistance as I know the issue can't be resolved via automated beings.
Then came the laughable recording, "Do you know that you can access your account 24 hours a day, seven days a week online..." LMFAO!
I then got dangerously close to an automated reset of my password that I neither wanted nor needed. Managed to abort all that before they created a new issue for me.
Next came the voice notice that I was more than welcome to stay on the line for 30-40 minutes for the next available rep. I of course opted for the automated call back.
Anxiously awaiting to speak to a rep whom I'm reasonably certain will have no idea why I experienced my login outage this weekend but will more than likely offer a shotgun blast of useless guesses.
So the doctors appear to finally be in the building. They just happen to be busy with other patients for the next half hour or so.
All that from a company with $10T in global assets including, for the time being, a bunch of mine!
The rep cited the fact that my Security Questions were locked as the reason why I was unable to Login this weekend.
She stated that VG action ^ normally occurs after failed attempts to login or attempts to login on a different device. So she unlocked my Security Questions.
Yeah, but...I stated that I did not mistype anything as I tried to Login on Friday evening and never got to a Security Question being asked. The very first time I tried to login on Friday evening I received the "Call us Monday" message.
I also stated that I did NOT attempt to use a new or unfamiliar (to them) device to login BEFORE the lockout.
And the killer...She stated that there were no unauthorized attempts to gain access to my account.
Ugh. So, ignoring how/why my Security Questions got locked in the first place, the question became...
So then, how was it that I was able to login this AM BEFORE you just now unlocked my Security Questions?
Um. Well. Golly gee! I dunno! But you shouldn't have any further problems logging in!
Got it! Just puhleeeease don't tell me about some nice property you got for sale in southern FLA!
I once encountered similar issues with an Elan credit card. That, it turned out, was traced to my incorrectly imputing the 3-digit security code on a purchase which thereby caused an automatic account lock. But I didn’t realize the account was locked until several purchases were declined.
Surprised you were unable to resolve this Monday, MLK Day notwithstanding. According to VG , “In the event a holiday falls on a weekday or weekend, Vanguard is open for business.”
My guess is you inadvertently caused the account to lock as a VG pre-programmed security measure thru a keyboard error. But, who knows? The lock may have “timed-out” after a number of days. But usually it takes several (3) failed login efforts to prompt a lock (based on experiences with various financial institutions). However, with the threats posed by AI, everybody is (or should be) tightening up security.
Another possibility is this outfit (VG) is even more messed up than I’ve imagined from numerous board posts. It’s amazing to me they don’t have some weekend hours (maybe Saturday mornings?) - with “work at home” being pretty prevalent today. As far as I know, Fidelity has 7-Day 24 hour service (or darned close). And (”Knock on wood”) I’ve never been locked out there.
Aside: Folks - When you provide those answers to “security questions” (ie: Where were you born? Grandmother’s maiden name?, etc.) avoid giving real answers. Somebody could possibly research that and use it to scam you. I use various scotch whisky brands as answers. (Best friend = Glen Fiddich.) There’s so many different brands it’s easy to come up with half a dozen favorites to answer different queries.
I still have a taxable account there. Transfer out in 2025 in multiple phases to make sure cost basis transfers correctly.
Not too long ago it was fashionable in this forum to go after posters who posted negatively about VG. How times have changed.
Vanguard was where I first started investing.