Principal Investment Strategies
The Fund is an actively managed exchange-traded fund (“ETF”). Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of borrowings, if any, for investment purposes) in catastrophe bonds. Catastrophe bonds, also known as event-linked or insurance-linked bonds, are structured securities whereby insurers or reinsurers transfer specific risks, typically those associated with severe events such as catastrophes or natural disasters, to capital market investors. These investments also may cover risks such as mortality, longevity and operational risks. For purposes of the Fund’s 80% test, catastrophe bonds include other forms of insurance-linked securities (“ILS”), including quota share instruments (a form of proportional reinsurance in which an investor participates in the premiums and losses of a reinsurer’s portfolio of catastrophe-oriented policies), bonds or notes issued in connection with excess-of-loss, stop-loss, or other non-proportional reinsurance (“Excess of Loss Notes”), collateralized reinsurance investments and industry loss warranties, event-linked swaps, and other insurance-and reinsurance-related securities.
Trigger Events
Trigger events with respect to the Fund’s investments typically relate to natural disasters or events, including hurricanes, windstorms, tornados, fires, floods, and other weather-related phenomena. Trigger events may also include earthquakes and tsunamis. In addition, catastrophe bonds may have trigger events that are non-natural catastrophes, such as plane crashes, or other events resulting in a specified level of physical or economic loss, such as mortality or longevity (life-span). The Fund does not expect to invest significantly in such securities.
Trigger events are typically defined by three criteria: an event; a geographic area in which the event must occur; and a threshold of economic or physical loss (either actual or modeled) caused by the event, together with a method to measure such loss. In order for a trigger event to be deemed to have occurred, each of the three criteria must be satisfied while the bond is outstanding. The Fund has no limit as to the types of natural catastrophes, geographic areas or thresholds of loss referenced by event-linked bonds in which it can invest. Generally, the event is a natural peril of a kind that results in significant physical or economic loss.
They currently offer two mutual funds, FBBAX and FFBAX
Estimated inception date I had heard was 9-30-2024.
ETF still has no symbol yet.
Brookmont has signed on a sub-advisor / portfolio manager for the ETF (so the launch date must be getting closer) -
You can look at this link from SEC: