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Paul Krugman's last NYT column

Finding Hope in an Age of Resentment

Shareable article


  • Yes. I saw that... very sorry to see him go. He's a pretty good check on reality.
  • "...while resentment can put bad people in power, in the long run it can’t keep them there. At some point the public will realize that most politicians railing against elites actually are elites in every sense that matters and start to hold them accountable for their failure to deliver on their promises..."

    nope. don't believe that for a moment. americans are too stoopid. too many of them, at least. all they do is switch flavors, inside the same box they can't think beyond.
  • I'm afraid that I have to agree with you on that.
  • Thanks for sharing, Mark!
  • Thank you, Mark. Will miss Krugman for sure. Hope he finds other way to share his thoughts.
  • Never seen the word « kakistocracy » before. Rule by the worst, indeed. Bravo, Professor Krugman!
  • New one on me too- but it looks as if we may be about to experience one. I'm sure glad that I'm as old as I am.
  • ditto, had to google kakistocracy
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