Can’t pull up historical returns. Makes me wonder why I pay for this service. Seems to go down a lot on Saturdays. Maybe their work-from-home folks hung-over or out to lunch? Which leads to another question - Is the staff even located inside the U.S.?
PS - Seems to work for some funds, but not all. Was trying to see how LCORX / LCR have done lately. No longer own, but always interested in how former holdings did after selling.
Looked up LCORX.
Clicked "Performance" link.
There is no growth data available
Trailing Returns
There is no data available
Tried two other mutual fund tickers.
Received same results for 2nd fund; trailing returns were listed for 3rd fund.
M* is back up! (Must have jarred them awake.
LCORX YTD +12.72% / 3 months +4.84% / 1 month +.84% / 1 week - .53%.
No significance to shorter term numbers. Just wondered how it was doing since I sold couple months ago.
must be a big snafu now, mobile version even splashes a 'broken' message.
if only legacy mode was designed as a fallback for what seems likely to remain unreliable.
I've yet to see any screener come anywhere close to MFOP at this price point in the 20+ years that I've been using screeners.
also, the M* portfolio tool is hard to beat w/any single alternative for real world asset consolidation.