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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Technical Questions Category Test

This is just a test to see if OPs in Technical Questions will show in MFO Discussions. I think they do.


  • Yes, for me using a laptop; if that matters. My MFO page has always been the page that lists 'Start New Discussion' with a full list of all other choices listed below.
  • edited December 1

    This thread shows up in "Discussions +" after catch22 posted his comments.
    I didn't check before catch22 posted to see if thread shows up in "Discussions" category.
  • @Observant1 When I look at the MFO page of discussion choices (I always start and use 'recent discussions', on the subject line, to the 'right' of 'time' of the last post, I still read 'Technical Discussions'. Perhaps this is a pc/mobile browser circumstance. I also 'see' technical discussions if I select Discussions +.
  • edited December 1
    Hi @catch22,

    I usually start with "Discussions +" for threads with comments
    and then check "Discussions" for threads without comments when browsing MFO.
    I also see "Technical Questions" listed near the timestamp when viewing this thread via "Discussions +".
    This is by design - "Technical Questions", "Fund Discussions" or "Other Investing"
    will be listed near the timestamp for threads created within these respective categories.
    You do not have a browser issue as it relates to this scenario.
  • Those of you who are really old farts will remember "Ted" and the reasons for the "Discussions +" and the "Off-Topic" sections. (That certainly includes you, @Catch22.)
  • Hi @Old_Joe Ah, Ted. He surely thought he had his own personal kingdom here. At some point in his life, he may have been a gracious person, but not here. I tolerated his crap against me, as I had known and worked with others of his mold. The worst part is that he drove away a few very decent poster here....Flack and cman. Both were very good at presenting and discussing investment thoughts.
    So, December is when he passed; but I don't recall if; 2017, 2018 or 2019. I though I had the information on my laptop; but, no.
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