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  • Magic 8 Ball says: "You may rely on it."
  • That flies in the face of the "it's your money" argument for investment accounts replacing pensions and social security. I have to think that someone that rises to a position of power in a state government has at least a squeak of understanding of how embedded and complex the definition of "a China asset" really is. Of course, it seems that Texas has had no problem defining investments with a perceived, true or not, liberal bias.

    Of course, an accompaning Federal bill could purge the SP500 of any holdings that just might have some product with a battery that China profitted from. So I have legacy 403b in Texas from the 1980s. Corebridge is holding it. I wonder if it is still Texan if Corebridge has to check with Texas for my eligibility to my funds.

    Do I throw my 2 cent government bought job Chinese pencil away and have my government job boss buy a 20 cent non-China pencil? Or does spending by political entities not count and they just want control over the money they told me was "my money".

    Of course, the truth is that I cannot resist sucking in the world of possibilities when I know, really, I am just being silly. UMMM, or not.
  • For a supposed Republican, the governor of Texas seems to embrace a highly interventionist approach to his state’s economy. The kinds of actions cited in the linked article resemble those of a nation’s president presiding over a centrally-controlled economy. Many labels fit: socialist, Soviet-era, or what the French call « dirigiste. » It sure isn’t market-driven or laissez-faire.
  • Where will Musk get all the parts for his cars and rockets now?
  • And his attorney general believes in (his) states rights but will sue any other state that gets in his way.

    I never thought they were Republicans, they are ideologues and dictators

    If the deadly performance of the Texas electric grid " not connected to anyone else's grid so feds can't tell us what to do" did not convince the Texas voters to throw these guys out, nothing will.
  • edited November 2024
    What is the status of TikTok ban / divestment?

    The federal government has been talking about it even during Trump 1.0 and TT continues to thrive and increase in value in the US for the benefit of PRC Party in power. There are too many US investors in Bytedance and these investors seem to want to delay the final outcome as much as possible to increase TT value, even if PRC benefits the most from value increase. And these US investors make big political contributions (which we conveniently call "bribes" when foreigners make such contributions to the political parties in their own countries). All that rhetoric about how bad TT is to the US society and we continue to let it thrive.

    The US government if working for its people would publish the names of all countries where TT is banned and the names of all US investors in Bytedance.

    Did not Montana ban TT a while ago?

    I never watched TT - I get all my addiction from this forum!
  • "I never watched TT - I get all my addiction from this forum!"

    Good one! Same here.:)
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