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Looking for an OAKBX replacement

edited January 2013 in Fund Discussions
My 401k recently dropped their special (low-fee) version of OAKBX. The fund has done reasonably well and I'm looking for a replacement.

I have the ability to transfer the money into a general brokerage account and purchase OAKBX there. If I want to use the 401k funds, my options in this area are:
* BlackRock lifepath funds
* PIMCO Inflation Response
* PIMCO Total Return
* Various Vanguard funds (index, value index, growth index, short-term bond, small company growth)

I'm excluding other options which I'm invested heavily in already.



  • OAKBX fund is a balanced fund. I do not see a suitable direct replacement in the funds you have listed.


    * As you said, you can transfer the money to self-directed brokerage account and buy OAKBX there.
    * Or you can take the 60-70% of the money invested in OAKBX and distribute among equity funds and put the remaining 30-40% to PTTRX
    * Alternatively, transfer to brokerage account and invest in a different balanced fund.
  • I would consider one of these options:

    1. 60/40 mix of VTWSX and VTINX
    2. 70/25/5 mix of VTWSX/VTINX/VEIEX
    3. 75/15/10 mix of VTWSX/PTTRX/VEIEX

    Of these three, I would prefer option #3.

  • I know this is a very different fund, but what about PAUDX?
  • Reply to @Whakamole: If trying to replicate OAKBX is your primary objective then I would be looking at PQIIX
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