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Saba targeting a bunch of Blackrock CEFs

"BlackRock considers itself a leader in governance, but is crushing shareholder rights. Saba intends to hold BlackRock accountable for running its closed-end funds into the ground."


  • edited May 2024
    Thanks for the link @rforno. These guys are playing hardball. Similar to how some short-sellers play. As I posted elsewhere, BCAT, run by Rick Rieder gained 4% yesterday. Listened to a Weinstein Bloomberg interview in the recent past. Pretty impressive figure. Blackrock’s not his only target, but probably the largest one. I have no skin in this game - thankfully.

    BTW - Weinstein runs an etf that plays this “unlocking value” game in the CEF universe - CEFS
  • I own BCAT and are happy that SABA has gotten involved. I voted for several of their directors and a change in management.

    This fund should be converted to an ETF.
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