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Trying to pull up some 2008 performance numbers

Yahoo Finance used to allow you to look all the way back to a fund’s inception. Now it only goes back to 2018. Any ideas?


  • Many charting services have older data - StockCharts, Yahoo Finance (without reinvestments), Portfolio Visualizer, M*. Reading values from the charts may be approximate, but it should work for a handful of specific situations.

    What exactly are you looking for?
  • edited February 2024

    What exactly are you looking for?

    FKIQX 2008 performance - because it was an awful year for low grade bonds which the fund holds. ISTM it lost over 20% that year. / Yahoo used to work. Not today. Actually, I check every fund I look at against its 2008 record, provided the fund existed then. I’m sure FKIQX did.
  • Update - Several other funds do come up on Yahoo back to 2008 & beyond. Odd that the one I was searching for wouldn’t.
  • Using PV shows that the fund name had been FKINX and in 2008 the return was -30.51%.
    At least that's how I took it.
  • From Stockcharts -30.5%.
    It's among the most aggressive conservative-allocation, really moderate-allocation.
  • edited February 2024
    Bud said:

    Using PV shows that the fund name had been FKINX and in 2008 the return was -30.51%.
    At least that's how I took it.

    Could be. Fido shows FKINX closed to new investors. Modest $1,000 min. and a slightly lower ER (.60) vs. FKIQX’s .70

    Yes. That would explain why Yahoo only went back to 2008. I know it holds plenty of junk. But, even I am surprised at that number.

    I checked at yahoo & Bud’s number is right. FKINX lost 30.5% in ‘08, but gained 35% in ‘09!

    PRWCX lost around 27% in ‘08 for comparison. LCORX lost 27.44%.

    Thanks Yogi & Bud.

  • edited February 2024
    Franklin has 6 classes - A, A1, Adv, C, R, R6.

    For Franklin Income - FKIQX, FKINX, FRIAX, FCISX, FISRX, FNCFX

    Franklin RENAMED the old class A as A1 and then closed A1 to most investors in 09/2018. The new class A was started in 09/2018, so general retail investors now have to buy FKIQX; it is also no-load/NTF at Fido and Schwab.

    But there may be a problem in finding data for FKIQX as its inception is only 09/2018. Some services substitute/fill-in prior record by using another fund class, but not everybody does that.

    @Bud used FKINX for PV run, I used FISRX for StockCharts (that is the only class it recognized*). Besides minor differences in fees, they are the same Franklin Income fund. So, -30.5% decline in 2008 if verified from 2 sources - PV and StockCharts.

    *StockCharts doesn't recognize all fund classes, and the trick is to figure out which class is recognized by searching on fund name, not ticker.
  • edited February 2024
    Thanks Yogi. People seem to love or hate the fund in its various guises. Morningstar takes aim at it for any number of reasons … Franklin’s Desai in this year’s Barron’s Roundtable recommends it as a top pick. (obviously a biased source ). What she said in Barron’s:

    Desai: - ”I will stick with the Franklin Income fund, which I have recommended in the past. It has a 12-month yield of 5.66% and has paid dividends for 70 years. The fund invests across multiple asset classes. Its current equity allocation, 35%, is among the lowest in its history, and tilted to value names that have lagged behind the broader market. That could provide upside potential.”

    It’s a weird fund in that it seems to have a risk / reward profile closer to an equity fund than an “income” fund. About 30% equities at present and 65% bonds. The bonds appear evenly split between investment grade and BBB and below.

    Added: Not a recommendation. But before buying the OEF discussed above, I’d take a look at less than 1-year old INCM. Same managers. Very similar allocation. ER much lower at .38%
  • MFO Premium offers calendar-year returns back to 1960.

    Default screens lean on the oldest share class. With a little creative screening one could probably get the specific share class they are interested in.
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