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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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New User's Guide posted.

edited September 2012 in Fund Discussions
Please take a moment to check out the new User's Guide, posted under Resources, or linked here.

The User's Guide is full of tips for making the most of your time here at MFO. It's also got quite a few tricks for making your posts just a bit snazzier. Take a moment to take a look at it. Then, take another moment to thank @Old_Joe for all his time and effort creating such a great guide. He revised and edited countless times, while Accipiter and I were adding and removing features and plugins. We're grateful for his skill and dedication.

Thanks, OJ!


  • Nice. However I was waiting to ask a question until after the guide was published hoping it would answer it. Since it didn't I will now. In one word...

  • One more question. Is it possible to initiate a site wide poll instead off on particular discussion. It might be useful to "mine" answers, e.g. Which is the most widely owned fund at MFO. Kind off results in an MFO recommendation / endorsement for a fund. Food for thought.
  • edited October 2012
    Although this has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion topic - User guide.

    And is a feedback question. I'll answer it.

    Reply to @VintageFreak:
    do you really want these. and Chip and David do you want these.
  • edited October 2012
    Although this has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion topic - User guide.

    And is a feedback question. I'll answer it.
    Is it possible to initiate a site wide poll instead off on particular discussion.
    Last year I suggested A fund polling program. I think 3 of 1000 users wanted it.
  • Reply to @Accipiter: Thanks for answering. A lot of times people don't realize someone is joking. We just need a few, smiley, grin, sad. Don't need to have "kiss", angry or anything like that.
  • Reply to @Accipiter: Just proves the one drawback of democracy. 3, I mean 4 people are right but 997 have their way. Now imagine if you could see my tongue sticking out in this post:-P.
  • edited October 2012
    Reply to @VintageFreak:

    It would be alot of work to code it, for just 3 or 4 people taking the poll.;-)
  • edited October 2012
    Okay I agree site wide poll is hard, but no fair editing my post and replacing content with image:-P tags. Seriously, after all the work you folks have done surely parsing out:-) and:-P and;-)can't be too much. Right ?!?!?!

    Wait a sec! You did! Yahoooooooooooo :-X
  • OJ, Thank you for the great job on the User's Guide. Even though I have dain brammage from my previous deathstyle, I can actually understand your steps. Nice. Now if I could just get a handle on how to link Morningstar charts using JING's "embedded code." Rick
  • edited October 2012
    Reply to @glampig: Thanks, ol'pig. We may do a section on Jing a bit later... but heading off to vacation for now.
  • Reply to @Old_Joe: Make sure you leave my cabin on the river the way you found it.
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