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Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’



  • edited September 2020
    1) A second rated paper have a story from unnamed sources and the Lib media runs with it, they don't care if it's true or not. Then of course, they talk about it like it's a fact. If they are wrong, so what, let's look for the next issue instead of doing their own investigation as they should.

    2) Remember Brett Michael Kavanaugh? The media reported several complaints, maybe you believed one was true but all of them? The Lib media didn't care, they reported it anyway and if they retract it's somewhere not to be seen.

    3) Who spent so much on the military and solved several problems with the VA? Trump. What's the likelihood he said it? low

    4) Similar to the Russia case. Former British spy Christopher Steele, whose dirt-digging was financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign, based nearly all of his dossier allegations on information from one unidentified “primary subsource.” The FBI didn’t corroborate the Steele dossier’s claims prior to its first application to surveil Mr. Page in October 2016. So based on an unidentified “primary subsource = lie they started a case against Trump.
    There were so many lies in the Russia case that relate directly to the case but nothing happened to these liars under oath especially Comey. The main reason IMO is the fact he knows so much about many politicians they are scared to put him on trial.

    The Libs don't care, they are terrified, please, just find something, make it up, please.

    Another bogus claim "Biden campaign attacks a Trump Social Security ‘plan’ that does not exist" The article gave it Four Pinocchios.

  • FD1k,

    Could you imagine Netanyahu, the leader of your mother country, saying what Trump said in the streets of Tel-Aviv?
  • So Fox News is now "Lib media"? My, that was fast.
  • edited September 2020
    "Who spent so much on the military and solved several problems with the VA?"

    Half true. He did spend a lot on the military but what problems exactly has he solved? As a veteran who uses the VA I'd really like to know. I certainly haven't seen or experienced any changes. Him saying that he did doesn't make it so.
  • edited September 2020
    FD1000 said:

    1) A second rated paper have a story from unnamed sources and the Lib media runs with it, they don't care if it's true or not. Then of course, they talk about it like it's a fact. If they are wrong, so what, let's look for the next issue instead of doing their own investigation as they should.

    The Associated Press, New York Times, and Washington Post quickly confirmed Goldberg’s reporting. Surprisingly, the National Security Correspondent for Fox News also confirmed the story.

    3) Who spent so much on the military and solved several problems with the VA? Trump. What's the likelihood he said it? low

    One example:
    Mr. Trump belittled Senator John McCain’s war record: “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

    Another bogus claim "Biden campaign attacks a Trump Social Security ‘plan’ that does not exist" The article gave it Four Pinocchios.

    The Washington Post scrutinized the Democratic ad and concluded that it is very misleading. Investigative reporting should speak truth to power. But, what does this have to do with Mr. Trump's attitude towards the military? Since you mentioned the "Pinocchios", you may be interested in how many "Pinocchios" Mr. Trump was awarded...

  • That thing from The Atlantic is spot-on.
  • In an odd coincidence, the Trump administration will be shutting down the US military newsletter Stars and Stripes effective the end of this month.
    Yesterday, he quickly reversed the decision to reinstate and continue publication of Stars and Stripes. The Atlantic article was right on on so many front.
  • @LewisBraham - yes, all of it correct. I can no longer count the number of times I've asked a Trump supporter to give me a reason, any reason why they continue to support him and all I get are blank stares and no response.

    With respect to this article I posted, folks are saying that the anonymous sources in the article aren’t reliable until they come forward publicly... while at the same time quoting Qanon about baby blood drinking coastal elites trafficking kids in Wayfair boxes. The dude is unhinged, so are they and they don't care. Dark shadowy guys on a plane my ass.

    As George Carlin once said "Everyone appreciates your honesty until your honest with them. Then you're an asshole." So be it. I can live with it.
  • thumbs up on that.
  • Howdy folks,

    First for wxman123 who wrote,

    "Yes, of course I am. Are you saying the economy and stock market were not good pre-covid...or that Trump doesn't deserve the credit? The first would be simply a groundless opinion, the second unfair as anyone can say that the economy would have been just as good or better with someone else. Look, you can hate Trump for many deserved reasons but the economy is not one of them."

    You seem to miss the point. I don't hate Trump for what he's done with the economy pre-virus. I hate him because he's an evil despicable human being who's destroying my country. He's one of the most incompetent world leaders ever and be far the most evil.
    Yeah, most evil. Shit, he makes Hitler look like Jimmy Carter. If you want to compare body counts, use Hitler thru 1935.

    What I said, was that any blithering idiot can stimulate the economy with massive tax cuts and reduction in all regulation. duh.

    As for Donald and others talking about Vietnam. Please.

    If folks recall, the war didn't become tremendously unpopular until it had gone on for a while. Prior to that it was an American war that was being touted at all levels. That said, they still had to have about 50% draftees. People enlist for various reasons but during a war, many are enlisting 'to serve their country'. This is something Trump cannot comprehend as he has never done anything in his life which wasn't to his personal advantage. He simply doesn't understand while people perform community service or take actions for the common good and not their personal benefit.

    As for myself, I enlisted in a French Foreign Legion sort of way (i.e. bad first year of college and bad romance). Oh, and if the truth be known, I got in the wrong room. A friend and I were going into the Navy on the buddy plan. At that time both the Navy and Marine Corps recruiters were in the same building in Lansing. I went and talked with the guy about 20 minutes or so and he was up front and honest. I finally notice the EGA on the wall and realized I was in the wrong room. I went next door to the Navy recruiter and he was an asshole. So I enlisted in the crotch for 3 years. Semper Fi.

    and so it goes,

    peace and wear the damn mask,

    S/Sgt Rono, Company A, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, March 1968 - November 1969.
  • Howdy folks,

    First for wxman123 who wrote,

    "Yes, of course I am. Are you saying the economy and stock market were not good pre-covid...or that Trump doesn't deserve the credit? The first would be simply a groundless opinion, the second unfair as anyone can say that the economy would have been just as good or better with someone else. Look, you can hate Trump for many deserved reasons but the economy is not one of them."

    You seem to miss the point. I don't hate Trump for what he's done with the economy pre-virus. I hate him because he's an evil despicable human being who's destroying my country. He's one of the most incompetent world leaders ever and be far the most evil.
    Yeah, most evil. Shit, he makes Hitler look like Jimmy Carter. If you want to compare body counts, use Hitler thru 1935.

    What I said, was that any blithering idiot can stimulate the economy with massive tax cuts and reduction in all regulation. duh.

    As for Donald and others talking about Vietnam. Please.

    If folks recall, the war didn't become tremendously unpopular until it had gone on for a while. Prior to that it was an American war that was being touted at all levels. That said, they still had to have about 50% draftees. People enlist for various reasons but during a war, many are enlisting 'to serve their country'. This is something Trump cannot comprehend as he has never done anything in his life which wasn't to his personal advantage. He simply doesn't understand while people perform community service or take actions for the common good and not their personal benefit.

    As for myself, I enlisted in a French Foreign Legion sort of way (i.e. bad first year of college and bad romance). Oh, and if the truth be known, I got in the wrong room. A friend and I were going into the Navy on the buddy plan. At that time both the Navy and Marine Corps recruiters were in the same building in Lansing. I went and talked with the guy about 20 minutes or so and he was up front and honest. I finally notice the EGA on the wall and realized I was in the wrong room. I went next door to the Navy recruiter and he was an asshole. So I enlisted in the crotch for 3 years. Semper Fi.

    and so it goes,

    peace and wear the damn mask,

    S/Sgt Rono, Company A, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, March 1968 - November 1969.
  • rono said:

    Howdy folks,

    First for wxman123 who wrote,

    "Yes, of course I am. Are you saying the economy and stock market were not good pre-covid...or that Trump doesn't deserve the credit? The first would be simply a groundless opinion, the second unfair as anyone can say that the economy would have been just as good or better with someone else. Look, you can hate Trump for many deserved reasons but the economy is not one of them."

    You seem to miss the point. I don't hate Trump for what he's done with the economy pre-virus. I hate him because he's an evil despicable human being who's destroying my country. He's one of the most incompetent world leaders ever and be far the most evil.
    Yeah, most evil. Shit, he makes Hitler look like Jimmy Carter. If you want to compare body counts, use Hitler thru 1935.

    What I said, was that any blithering idiot can stimulate the economy with massive tax cuts and reduction in all regulation. duh.

    As for Donald and others talking about Vietnam. Please.

    If folks recall, the war didn't become tremendously unpopular until it had gone on for a while. Prior to that it was an American war that was being touted at all levels. That said, they still had to have about 50% draftees. People enlist for various reasons but during a war, many are enlisting 'to serve their country'. This is something Trump cannot comprehend as he has never done anything in his life which wasn't to his personal advantage. He simply doesn't understand while people perform community service or take actions for the common good and not their personal benefit.

    As for myself, I enlisted in a French Foreign Legion sort of way (i.e. bad first year of college and bad romance). Oh, and if the truth be known, I got in the wrong room. A friend and I were going into the Navy on the buddy plan. At that time both the Navy and Marine Corps recruiters were in the same building in Lansing. I went and talked with the guy about 20 minutes or so and he was up front and honest. I finally notice the EGA on the wall and realized I was in the wrong room. I went next door to the Navy recruiter and he was an asshole. So I enlisted in the crotch for 3 years. Semper Fi.

    and so it goes,

    peace and wear the damn mask,

    S/Sgt Rono, Company A, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, March 1968 - November 1969.

    And, with that, credibility gone.
  • wxman123 said:

    And, with that, credibility gone.

    And just who at MFO are members of the credibility determination cabinet? I can't believe that Anna wasn't at least asked to serve on such an elite committee.

  • Anna said:

    And just who at MFO are members of the credibility determination cabinet? I can't believe that Anna wasn't at least asked to serve on such an elite committee.

    If you believe that Trump is the most evil leader the world has ever known then you are an uninformed buffoon throwing salt in the eyes of anyone who lost loved ones to gas chambers and genocide.
  • edited September 2020
    And here we go—Godwinization. I wouldn’t say Trump is the evilest, but I would say he is the stupidest and most incompetent in the post-monarchal era. You’d have to go back to the age of inbred royalty to find one like him. As far as evil incarnate goes, one wit recently remarked: “The difference between Hitler and Trump is Hitler had principles.” Those principles were pure evil of course. Trump by contrast only cares about one thing—winning. He is a deeply insecure individual and therefore dangerous as president, but too stupid to be Hitler. You’d have to go back to his family history—jealousy of his older brother and lousy father—to understand why he is so insecure.
  • edited September 2020
    If you're a vet and you vote for Trump I can't understand it. He basically called you an asshole for serving because there was nothing in it for you. The FOX NEWS reporter says her sources are impeccable. I've seen her often and she's about as pro Trump as it gets. Of course the sources don't want to go public... would you want your families life threatened over Trump? If you can't admit he's a con man and uses anyone he can for his benefit and nothing else you need to re-evaluate your decision making.
  • edited September 2020

    And here we go—Godwinization. I wouldn’t say Trump is the evilest, but I would say he is the stupidest and most incompetent in the post-monarchal era. You’d have to go back to the age of inbred royalty to find one like him. As far as evil incarnate goes, one wit recently remarked: “The difference between Hitler and Trump is Hitler had principles.” Those principles were pure evil of course. Trump by contrast only cares about one thing—winning. He is a deeply insecure individual and therefore dangerous as president, but too stupid to be Hitler. You’d have to go back to his family history—jealousy of his older brother and lousy father—to understand why he is so insecure.

    I guess you would have to identify the dimensions of "stupidity" you have in mind. He pretty much marched to his own drum in ascending to the presidency. I wouldn't think it likely that a stupid person could accomplish that, especially "the stupidest and most incompetent in the post-monarchal era in terms of his intelligence." He undoubtedly has what I think is horrible judgement in how he expresses himself on twitter and takes every piece of bait thrown his way. On policy, people might disagree but from border walls to trade, there are very smart people who support what he has done. And, certainly nothing crazy to this point in terms of policy (IMO). In my view Trump will continue to say crazy things if reelected but do things that I mostly agree with; Biden if elected will certainly act with decorum but will do things that I strongly disagree with. That's why this will be a race.
  • edited September 2020
    how many folks are "WOKE" or vice versa @ MFO? what are the odds - 1:1?
  • Bob Hope. There's yer answer. Jayzuz.
  • Bob Hope... easy....
  • edited September 2020
  • Back to this thread's title. And I just remembered this great quote from "Lays of Ancient Rome." (Thomas Babington MacAulay. Published in 1842.)
    “Then out spake brave Horatius,
    The Captain of the Gate:
    'To every man upon this earth
    Death cometh soon or late.
    And how can man die better
    Than facing fearful odds,
    For the ashes of his fathers,
    And the temples of his gods.'”

    Suckers? Losers? NO.
    By the way:
  • Fake news. But then again CNN and MSNBC said it. LOL
  • Crash said:

    Back to this thread's title. And I just remembered this great quote from "Lays of Ancient Rome." (Thomas Babington MacAulay. Published in 1842.)
    “Then out spake brave Horatius,
    The Captain of the Gate:
    'To every man upon this earth
    Death cometh soon or late.
    And how can man die better
    Than facing fearful odds,
    For the ashes of his fathers,
    And the temples of his gods.'”

    Suckers? Losers? NO.
    By the way:

    This is in the same vein as "Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you wanna live forever?" A beautiful piece of poetry, with which i was not familiar. (And here i considered myself educated!) Thanks for sharing.

  • edited September 2020
    Delete - sorry
  • hank said:

    Delete - sorry

    How does one delete one's own post? I haven't been able to work it out.

  • edited September 2020
    Ben said:

    How does one delete one's own post? I haven't been able to work it out.

    I don't know if there is a way to entirely delete one's own post.
    You can select the edit option (upper-right gear), delete the original content, and replace it with "Deleted".
    This will have a similar effect.
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