Hello all,
Craig Edwards here, I'm just writing to briefly introduce myself to a community that thus far I find to be quite unique. By "unique" I guess I mean not focused on commercial agendas (aka SA for example) and maintaining a high level of competence and civility in postings. Guess I'll find out when I say something stupid...

, but so far so good!
I'm a newly retired electrical engineer and a long term DIY investor... and would generally give myself a C- (maybe a D) in investing skills, considering how much I've varied course over the last 45 years. Like most of us I guess I started out knowing nothing about investing so I just invested a small amount each month in a mutual funds via an IRA. (that part worked out well...). As my career progressed and I managed to save more outside of the IRA I started branching out and with "help" of brokers and other financial "professionals" I tried all sorts of things. Looking back of course most were mistakes but somehow with some good luck and the willingness to keep learning I've arrived at "retirement" with sufficient (I believe...) funds for a modest lifestyle for myself and my wife.
In any event I'm here to learn more about risk management with the goal of constructing a longer term simplified portfolio that can be managed by rules and less by emotions and current events. And because I have a lot of other interests, another part of the goal is to reduce the time/energy required to do this to say a once a week or even better a once a month checkup.
I don't expect that I'll be able to contribute much to this community, except to post the occasional newbie question, but hopefully others will appreciate my questions... so thanks in advance for your support!
Like every family you'll find individuals with many diverse interests, and a tremendous range of knowledge about many things, including investment skills and approaches.
Having turned 80, and fortunately being pretty well set up for retirement income, I'm no longer very active in day-to-day investing, but I still find MFO a great place to gain insights into how others view the financial world, different investing styles, and many times interesting discussions about specific funds or types of funds.
All in all, this is a pretty good place to maintain a perspective on financial realities.
Nice to have you join us!
You can try the quick search tool for free: https://www.member.mfopremium.com/quicksearch/ I ponied up for full access at the beginning of the year.
I certainly hope that there are people here willing to help out with such an interesting tool.
No worries Sven, like everyone says... "no dumb questions" (one of my favorites as a professor), SA = "Seeking Alpha", an investment portal that features dozens (maybe over a hundred by now..) folks who provide investment advice on a subscription basis. Many others just donate articles...it's all very interesting, but you have to be careful. Too easy to start drinking the cool aid at the wrong time.