Hi Guys,
Harry Dent has a dismal record as a forecaster. He has been wrong far more often then on target. It’s a puzzle why he continues to engage the public so effectively with such a disastrous history. But he does. Dent does examine tons and tons of data. That can generate positive findings, but also could guide us down a losing road. One of his most persistent arguments centers on demographics. He simply loves demographic arguments. See his book titled “Demographic Cliff”.
Given Dent’s poor forecasting score, it just might be a winning strategy to go counter to his market forecast for this year. Here is a Link to that forecast:

Is this set of forecasts a useful signal or does it signal just the opposite? That’s 100% of all possibilities. As usual, we get to make a decision. What is the winning choice? Who knows??? The market remains an enigma to me. Some things will never change.
Best Regards
But sun spots? That’s so lame. Old school thinking. How about gravity waves and their influence on psychology and the markets? More current science. A more credible thesis IMHO.
Thank you for your comments. I agree with them.
There are predictors and market predictions everywhere that go everywhere. Who knows? Here is a Link that addresses this issue:
The track record for these predictors taken as a group does not inspire any confidence whatsoever. So good luck to all of us. We definitely need it.
Best Wishes
I read predictions. But I don't follow them since Jeanne Dixon died.
I do like to buy things cheap. I am at about 13% cash in the IRA, and 30% in the taxable.
Its very difficult to be more than 50% right w market timings...I think just go with the waves probably best ways forward