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M* Premium or Newsletters

edited December 2013 in Off-Topic
Does anyone have any information on discounted subscription prices or offers either through your brokerage firm or other. Fidelity used to offer a discount on the premium service but I can't find that now. Thanks in advance.


  • Never heard of it. If the discount is true, well kept secret.
  • Reply to @Charles: Happy Holidays Charles! It was a few years back at Fidelity. While the official price for the premium service was &139-149/yr Fidelity customers could get it for $89.
  • beebee
    edited December 2013
    As a T Rowe Price Perferred account holder (with at least $100K Balance with comes at a price) M* premium services are included:
    Client Service page:
  • Reply to @bee: That's a start. Thanks Bee!
  • edited December 2013
    Howdy Mark,

    I find this note at M*; stating that discount was removed Jan., 2013.

    As "bee" notes below, I too, have access to and use TROW for the M* portfolio tools.

  • beebee
    edited December 2013
    Reply to @Mark: Also, even though I have not reached the 100K level with TRP, I do have access to Morningstar Portfolio Manager Tool. I believe this is a premium feature. I access this tool by logging onto my TRP account first and going through their link to the M* tool.

    "Morningstar®Portfolio Manager to monitor your portfolio’s performance and view its underlying holdings with the onscreen X-Ray and Stock Intersection features."
  • I have internet access to the Morningstar Investment Research Center by having a library card from my local library.
  • Reply to @Tony: Thanks Tony, can you access this at home by referencing your library card somehow? If from home, what are the steps?
  • bee, it is a subscription service that our regional library provides for up to 2 users at a time. The first time I used it (from home), I used the URL provided by the library and had to enter the numbers on the back of my library card. With the service, I can get copies of the mutual fund one-page reports that used to be in the Morningstar "big book" at the library. You can Google Morningstar Investment Research Center, click on the second entry, and click on the free trial to get a tour of some of the site's features (I have a problem with cut and paste of links).
  • Maybe I've slipped through a crack somehow, but I have a bit over $23,000 in a TRP fund and I get Morningstar Premium through it.
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