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Fed's Rosengren: "Taper Could Last For Several Years."

edited October 2013 in Off-Topic

I think remain - with some portion of your portfolio to a degree you can sleep at night - in equities.

If the above actually how things are going to play out, maybe we can get 4% on a CD sometime in 2025.


  • edited October 2013
    From Dallas Fed's Fisher in a speech today:“We actually make decisions and we get things done,” Fisher said about the central bank. “We have a Three Stooges act taking place on Capitol Hill.”
  • edited October 2013
    “We have a feckless Congress incapable of acting or cooperating with the president,” Fisher said in Little Rock.
    Fisher is not my favorite but boy can he be any more direct in his words? They want to end extra-ordinary measures and Congress keep throwing curve balls and he had obviously had enough of it!
  • edited October 2013
    Reply to @Investor: I did know the general meaning of "feckless", but I thought that I'd look it up just to check it out. Man, I guess Fisher called it, alright!

    lacking in efficiency or vitality; unthinking and irresponsible; useless, worthless, incompetent, inept, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well; lazy, idle, slothful, indolent, irresponsible, shiftless; informal no-good, no-account.

    Well, that's our Congress, for sure!

    ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Scots and northern English dialect feck (from effeck, variant of effect ) + -less
  • Like the Cardinals tonight Joe,Your Post is A Home Run !
  • edited October 2013
    Reply to @Old_Joe: Guess Congress ain't improved much with time. Here's Mark Twain: "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself."
  • Reply to @hank: don't forget: "The best Congress money can buy!" You've gotta love Mark Twain if you need to stay (sort of) sane. He helps to put the present reality into context with historical reality.
  • edited October 2013
    Reply to @Old_Joe: Yep - Would be funny if it weren't so sad. Back in Twain's day global financial stability didn't hang in their hands. The wealth disparity wasn't as immense as today. We weren't armed to the teeth with nukes & other grown-up toys; nor bogged down in endless foreign wars. (Well ...err...there was that little skirmish known as the Civil War) As Rono would say - So it goes.
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