Frontier Markets performing better than Emerging Markets.
FM is up YTD 14% Frontier ETF
WAFMX is up 7.95% Non frontier. This appears to be one of the better EM
I puchased small amounts of these two funds but am having difficulty choosing non-frontier Emerging Markets funds.
I would appears that now is the time to get into a market that may be bottoming out.
I find it difficult to locate good emerging markets funds that will be the best performers.
I would appreciate some comments on non frontier EM funds and which funds members of the board have or are contemplating.
You're right about Frontier Market funds doing better over the past year. My TRAMX is still up 18.63%, despite the most recent mini-panic. Take a look at the new Matthews fund concentrating on less developed countries: MEASX.
Well, I find that very encouraging, actually. I'd be surprised if most of the investors in Frontier markets were not a bit more knowledgeable than average. Makes them less likely to panic over EM generally, and thus does actually provide a bit of increasingly hard-to-find diversification. Am firm believer in keeping the eggs in as many different baskets as possible. Makes it just a tad harder for Murphy.