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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Market Concerns - are you hedging your portfolio, or is it business as usual?



  • Yes. Also continuing to add to Schwab MM SWVXX. Yield right now is down to 4.18%.
  • edited March 7
    I was sitting at 33% equity when all the fun started a few days ago. With a few very small changes in my CEF collection (Out with the old. In with the new) equity exposure has crept up a bit to around 38%. Still too early IMHO to start loading up the wagon.:)

    Markets like this can last years. Though I’m not expecting that.
  • @hank We are trying to time the markets. At least I am.

    The toughest part of the game is parsing out your dry powder.
  • edited March 7
    JD_co said:

    @hank We are trying to time the markets. At least I am.

    The toughest part of the game is parsing out your dry powder.

    The quip about “loading up the wagon” was made in jest of course!

    Not a market timer. Wish everyone good luck in that if that’s their game plan. I try to buy things that haven’t done particularly well lately relative to their asset class and sell if I think they’ve produced a decent return. Overall valuations do enter into the picture. I’d rather be at 45% equity instead of 38% today. Caution is in order. Not because of Trump’s erratic actions, but rather because valuations are still very rich (as David addresses in some detail in the March Observer).
  • I look at it as a combination (1-2) punch. High valuations + erratic policy that is effecting both the consumer and the Corporate outlooks.

    Add in some inflation issues.....and as new hires are cutback....bad formula.
  • edited March 7
    JD_co said:

    I look at it as a combination (1-2) punch. High valuations + erratic policy that is effecting both the consumer and the Corporate outlooks.

    I agree. Trump’s miscues are both effecting and affecting market action! Don’t ya just love spell mischeckers? :)

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