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Here Are the Digital Clues to What Musk Is Really Up To

"Watching Elon Musk and his band of young acolytes slash their way through the federal government, many observers have struggled to understand how such a small group could do so much damage in so little time."


  • Good one. Z. Tufekci's occasional columns are always spot on.
  • "After a judge blocked a Trump executive order, Elon Musk shared a post with his more than 200 million followers on X that included the judge’s daughter’s name, photo and job, allegedly at the Department of Education. There’s no indication he got access to government databases about her, but how would we know if he had, or if he does so in the future?"

    This is where we are in the USA now.
  • edited February 22
    @AndyJ +1

    @JD_co +1 and your last statement is spot on. Petty, sadistic, amoral little bastages (see the movie" Johnny Dangerously" for the origin of that word).
  • edited February 22
    There was already zero privacy. Now the lack of privacy is officially weaponized--- and Muskie and his minions don't even care who knows--- whether or not they will admit to the deed. We have Trumpian Orange Indiscriminate Trashing of Everything, at this moment in our history. Way to go, MAGA voters.

    I can't buy the woke-agenda. But to put the Orange Felon into power again is so much worse than throwing the baby out with the bathwater. He is a wrecking ball with no one in control--- apart from the Project 2025 allies of his--- who explicitly WANT to tear everything down. ... I suppose if you feel you have no stake in what we've built since 1776....

  • Nice catch, Crash!
  • Help me out here guys. Where can I find a copy of the Woke Project 2025. I need to find out just what it is and whether I am for or against it.
  • edited February 23

    if there is a woke equivalent that you seek, which I have no heard of, I apologize
  • if there is a woke equivalent that you seek, which I have no heard of, I apologize

    I wanted the Woke equivalent agenda. Someone said they couldn't go along with the "woke agenda" and, well, I felt a knawing to find out what exactly the agenda that is considered "woke" actually is. Is is simply the agenda of the more educated? Is it really just the agenda of the left bastardsized with a newly coined dirty word? Is is, perhaps, all things progressive? Where in world can I read and find out how to be woke (or not)? I think that is fair since I need a feeling of belonging somewhere in the spectrum and seem falling behind the latest in-group. I desperately want to be part of a crowd since it is easier than thinking for myself.

  • considerate

  • edited February 24
    @Anna you just opened a can of worms. Which of the SCOTUS Justices said, "I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it?" I do know that a goodly chunk of the "woke" agenda being reacted against is the gender-bending nonsense. Yes, there are people who sadly suffer from gender dysphoria. They ought to be provided with whatever help they may need. Absolutely.

    .....The crux of the issue lies in the (progressive) attempt to normal-ize the idea that there are multiple genders--- as many as you or I might feel like asserting.

    There are people who regrettably deal with issues around their sexual identity. A relatively tiny number are born with genital birth defects. ... Let every human everywhere be accepted, tolerated, included, rather than excluded. Just don't put the cart before the horse. Just don't try to morph the exception into the rule; apart from those exceptional cases, we are male or female. This was not even an issue until around 2015 or so, when it was mentioned in the news that a crazy-ass mother of a newborn in British Columbia decided she did not want to declare a sex on her baby's birth certificate. "Some people ain't got the sense God gave 'em."
    I desperately want to be part of a crowd since it is easier than thinking for myself.

    I do very well, thank you, thinking for myself. My conclusions and decisions sometimes line-up with the Lefties, and less often with the Righties.
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