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The European Union on JD Vance

edited February 15 in Off-Topic


  • edited February 15
    Thanks. One commented “ JD could stand for Just a Dick . How appropriate!
  • Looks like I need to change my MFO name.

    But the message is clear - the US and EU are no longer allies. Orange would rather consort with (other) dictators.

    Vance was pushing the far right agenda overseas. I am certain that he would welcome the Nazi party in Munich, and here as well.

    Something has to change, before it's REALLY too late for us.
  • edited February 15
    Romanian (NATO and EU member) election canceled by the country's Supreme Court. Russian interference. President just resigned, even as the country prepares for a "make-up" election.

    And "J-a-D" comes over and SCOLDS them? Shit.

    About Russian interference, no matter where it happens: I'm shaking my head. If people would just do their own thinking, watch REAL news, keep track of what candidates say, what their positions on the issues are, then Russian interference would be impotent, vapid, void. Sadly, that's too much to ask, apparently--- ALL AROUND THE WORLD!
  • @JD_co, sorry, my earlier comment was not direct to you. It was someone in @Mark’s link who stated that.

    @Crash, thanks for the info on Romania. Putin stated many times that he wanted Russia to return to the glorious days Soviet Union post WWII. The election interference on one of the way to destabilize the former eastern bloc countries. We are now entering a dangerous time period again. That is why we shy away from investing in emerging market for the geopolitical reasons.
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