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Any thoughts as to why VPU is off so much this morning?

edited January 27 in Other Investing
Don’t own. Just track it as a glimpse of how utilities are moving. The 10-year as an indicator of interest rates is steady - maybe a bit lower in yield which should help utilities. Yet, utilities would appear one of the worst performing sectors today (assuming VPU is representative).

VPU - 3.83% at around 10:30 AM


  • beebee
    edited January 27
    News of DeepSeek rattling Utilities' AI opportunities

    CEG (-18%) and VST (-24%) down double digits @ 11AM EST

  • What @bee stated. I added more to my UTES position on the morning flush.
  • Meanwhile, my 'traditional' utes are flat to up....only AES is down 2%.
  • edited January 27
    QQQ down less than 3% at the moment. VPU down considerably more at -4%.

    NSRGY popped 4% today (partially due to strength in the Swiss franc). But I gave up on it some time ago. I’m not cut out for that kind of volatility / wait time.

    @Mark - I like the way you think. I’d be inclined to add to VPU myself if I owned it and had much cash on the sideline (I don’t).

    @bee’s link is informative. Appears the new AI app requires much less electricity to operate.

    I’m watching ”real asset” funds. Most off over 1% this morning. But holdings can vary a lot.
    The one I own (an OEF) is 45% in real estate which seems to be holding up reasonably well.
  • Looks like prices aren't being updated to watch portfolios at M*. They're showing UTES up .47 cents.
  • Interesting discussion here:

    Disclaimer: I know nothing about VPU and do not invest directly in utilities.
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