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Trump slaps 25-50% tariff + travel bans on Columbia “supporters” as planes denied landing clearance

edited January 26 in Off-Topic
President Donald Trump slapped tariffs and travel bans on Colombia on Sunday, after the South American country refused to allow two planes of undocumented migrants to land on its soil.

In a social media post, Trump said he has ordered an emergency 25% tariff on all Colombian goods coming into the US, which will be raised to 50% in one week. He has also called for a travel ban and immediate visa revocations on Colombian government officials "and all Allies and Supporters" as well as visa sanctions on party members, family members and supporters of the government of President Gustavo Petro. "Petro's denial of these flights has jeopardized the National Security and Public Safety of the United States," Trump said.

Excerpted Sunday January 26 from Bloomberg Media (subscription required)

Wow - Get ready for a jump in coffee prices.


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