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GOP report recommends criminal investig re: L. Cheney's Select Committee work.

This is third-world, banana republic shit. The criminal is the Orange pig-fart, himself. 34 felony counts. Convicted. The classified documents case was buried by his own owned "judge" Cannon. Will the Georgia case get buried? I'm apt to reference those facts as reason enough never to serve on a jury again, if called. Do not lose sight of this fact, either: The Trumpster incited the mob to overturn the 2020 election results. Not Liz.


  • Exactly.
  • edited 1:23AM
    +1. What crime is LC even remotely suspected of? Most of the articles I've seen about going after the Jan 6 cmte say they destroyed evidence and testimony, but of course no proof is even hinted at, or needed for the screeching to begin.

    Edit: some House report apparently accuses Liz of witness tampering concerning Cassidy Hutchinson. Let's see some evidence, boyz; most House "investigations" in the current Congress have been equivalent to Q'Anon fantasies.
  • He sued CBS for $10B because he didn't like what they said. He is suing a newspaper in Iowa because their polls didn't show numbers he liked. He is escalating his threats against the media.

    This is our "leader" for the next 4 wonderful years. A vindictive psychopath.
  • It's the V. Orban playbook for a total takeover. The R's loved 'em their trip to Hungary a couple of years ago (as CPAC) to see it firsthand, and the man himself was at Mar-A-Lardo earlier in the year.

    Recall in the debate that when asked what European leaders he was on good terms with, the only one he could think of was Orban.
  • I'd really be surprised if a significant percentage of the people who voted for Trump have the slightest idea who Viktor Orban is or what he stands for.

    Maybe it's the same with those who voted for Harris... I have no idea.
  • A vindictive psychopath...
    no question.
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