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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Enjoy Thanksgiving, everyone. 2024

It comes rather late, this year.



  • edited November 2024
    As well to you, too !!! And all here, too.
    @hank will likely have his snow blower in action before the weekend is finished.
  • Thanksgiving to everyone!
  • Happy Thanksgiving!
  • catch22 said:

    As well to you, too !!! And all here, too.
    @hank will likely have his snow blower in action before the weekend is finished.

    Yes, some extremely nasty, ugly, putrid white junk will be falling from the sky in BALES. I'm THANKFUL that snow is in my past. I spent almost 5 years south of Buffalo.
  • Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
  • edited November 2024
    catch22 said:

    As well to you, too !!! And all here, too.
    @hank will likely have his snow blower in action before the weekend is finished.

    Winter storm warnings flying for the next several days. The forecast potential for a foot or more of snow seems overblown, especially along the lakeshore where the temp’s been hovering at a steady 32 F. But yes, I realized only yesterday that the tank on the blower was nearly empty and the gas can as well. Made a mad dash to a filling station last evening.

    Enjoyed dinner with a bunch of family members today. Roads are slick. Wishing everybody the best of the season.

    Nice photo @Crash
  • :)

    Stayed up late, enjoying music.
  • Yesterday, with snow on the ground for the first time this season, I regretfully put away my 300ZX convertible, hooked up the trickle charger, and draped her in a dust cover. Usually, this is done at the end of October, so no regrets about the fabulous Fall weather and additional driving this year.
  • Hope everyone's having a good T'giving weekend.

    Don't forget Giving Tuesday coming up; a gift (of any size) to a nonprofit you identify with would be welcome.
  • Got that covered! "Giving Tuesday." OK.
  • The San Francisco Chronicle has an operation called "Season of Giving", which looks for anyone in the Bay Area who has significant special needs, financial, health, or otherwise.

    The Chronicle and other local organizations cover 100% of the operating expenses, so 100% of any gift is actually used for benefits.

    We have contributed to this fund for many years. This year's cumulative fund total as of Nov. 25, 2024: $7,365,164
  • edited December 2024
    Good for the Chronicle, and good for the Bay Area donors. Sounds like a great program.
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