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ELECTION 2024 All levels of the elections

Are you good with having this space here to discuss 'whatever' related to all levels of the elections; including your state, congressional and senate races?


  • Sure. (HI:) Mazie Hirono is up for reelection. Can't even get anyone at her office to pick up the phone or call back. Same with uncle Ed Case (House of Rep.) Different story with Sen. B. Schatz. Quite responsive. Mazie and Ed will have to do without my vote. I voted for none of the local candidates, either. Local and State "government" here is a combination of inept and corrupt. The exception is the Gov, (Dr.) Josh Green.
  • @Catch22- sure, why not! I'm thinking that the House and Senate elections are as important as the presidential election. If the Dems don't control at least one of those you can kiss USA as we've known it goodby.
  • Dixville Notch: 3 Harris, 3 Trumpster.
  • We all have so many ways and tv networks for viewing elections returns and announcements.
    AP news services has a good reputation for determinations of 'calling' results and winners. The link below will provide a page with various choices for viewing the numbers, although not complete with all levels of the elections. Take a peek around, if you choose.

    AP NEWS elections page
  • edited November 2024
    Tuned to Bloomberg. Too much artificial “hype” on the other major commercial networks, Go at it folks. All ears here. Bonds are reacting to a “perceived” Trump win & resultant higher inflation. Just crossed over 4.40% on the 10-year. Still early in the evening.

  • @hank This is the FINVIZ futures at 9:45pm, Tuesday. Many RED's spread around various sectors. But, doesn't really mean much right now, IMHO.
    AND what about CSPAN or PBS ???
  • edited November 2024
    ”AND what about CSPAN or PBS ??”

    Both excellent. I watch a lot of PBS. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve edited the earlier post to clarify that I didn’t intend to criticize the election coverage of C-Span or PBS.
  • edited November 2024
    Watching PBS election coverage.
    Electoral vote count as of 1:00 AM ET: Trump 246 to Harris 210.
    Harris really needs the "Blue Wall" states!
    AP has not called following states yet: PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, MN, NH, ME, AK.
  • AP calls PA for Trump at ~2:30 AM.
    Trump has 267 electoral votes to Harris's 214 votes.:-(
    Looks like Republicans also won the Senate (51 to 42, 7 to be called).
  • Trump just gave his victory speech. With PA, he only needs AK, which will be as automatic for him as HI is automatic for the Democrats.

    Shall I remind us again about how useless and stoopid the Electoral College is? But... oops, SO FAR, at least, The Orange Felon President Elect has gained a popular-vote majority. Just grab 'em by the pussy. I want out.
  • Crash said:

    I want out.

    I don’t think that will be a problem, it’s the gaping hole of a doorway in that’s going to be harder to get through.

  • PBS offered good coverage, I must say. No hype. Reasoned, analytical. The organization they used to make State calls is AP. Slow to make the Final Call.
  • Initial thoughts, then away to an appointment this A.M.; with a full RED U.S. government pending.
    IMO, the Presidential lose and all other positions is the 'not ready for a women in power'. Too many macho men not willing to cede power to the government(s) positions or within their households; with any sense of equality.

    --- Ramifications: Rule of Law, in general

    The Supreme Court, Ukraine, Taiwan, the middle east, the national debt, judicial appointments, inflation,...........
    I have to leave this for now.
    ADD your choices, as there as too many.
  • Rule of Law went out the window when the makeup of the current SCOTUS became what it is now. I have feeling that we haven't seen anything yet.
  • catch22 said:

    'not ready for a women in power'.

    I think the country - and men - are more than ready for a woman president. Just not an empty-headed one with a horrendous record of failure, who would be a puppet for a secret committee comprised of the likes of Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Soros and Gates. Not one who cannot speak or think, and whose only decision in the last 100 days was picking Tim Walz. Let’s face it, she was a terrible candidate. The blame game begins now. This election was the Democrats’ to lose, and they couldn’t have lost it better if they tried.
  • edited November 2024
    I fear all the topics catch22 mentioned above, but my immediate anger with this election is towards the democratic party in general and I think Biden specifically for not stepping away from reelection, much-much sooner.

    It was apparent to most Joe did not have the same cognizance or attention span as 4 years prior or was his mind sharp enough to debate clearly. He should have been told early in the process that it's time to step away. Kamala was an after thought in many voters minds with little support and no known agenda of her own. She appears very smart and a good person, but she is not a politician who could rally the American people, IMHO.

    I think this election could have been different if there was time for a typical drawn-out primary nomination process.
  • Quite an unusual situation, @MikeM. Correct.
    I grieve what we've become when a walking, talking repeat-Felon (who should be in jail) with no conscience, wins in a landslide. He wins, but the country shows itself to be feckless. Standards? Character? Who needs that shit? We get the leaders we deserve.

    He will reduce every decision to profit/loss. No integrity. Zero. Gov't and Big Money will be in cahoots. Classic fascism. Particularly with his own SCOTUS, and what looks like to be a Congressional Red sweep. And uncle Mitch from KY bears much of the blame.

    Gov't and elections used to work more smoothly because both major Parties acted in good faith, out of a shared fundamental matrix of values. That does not hold any longer. I don't care for either, but I'd surely prefer some ethical backbone in the country's Leader.
  • chang said

    "I think the country - and men - are more than ready for a woman president. Just not an empty-headed one with a horrendous record of failure, who would be a puppet for a secret committee comprised of the likes of Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Soros and Gates. Not one who cannot speak or think, and whose only decision in the last 100 days was picking Tim Walz."

    I believe Ms Harris to be bright, sharp as a tack and articulate and certainly no cauldron of emptiness waiting on the input of others. I highly doubt that she lets others make her decisions for her.

    As for her record of failure exactly what time period are you alluding to? Just considering her term as vice-president which predecessor was a high achiever in your opinion? What exactly is it that she failed at and don't even say border policy. She was sent there to observe and recommend and not dictate policy.
  • I had the same reaction to the same chang remark. Too much nonsense in it for me to even bother with.
  • @Chang.....I'm surprised to read your note directed at only one political party:
    who would be a puppet for a secret committee comprised of the likes of Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Soros and Gates
    I've been around long enough in this country and abroad to have an understanding of things political.
    Are you attempting to imply that nothing 'funny' takes place inside the Republican party in this country; from within this country and foreign? It's not hard to imagine a full 'cabal' in place with these folks.
    Time will show and tell, eh?

    A cabal is a group of people who are united in some close design, usually to promote their private views or interests in an ideology, a state, or another community, often by intrigue and usually without the knowledge of those who are outside their group.

  • "Cabal:" 2025 plan.
  • edited November 2024
    The secret (or not so secret) committee comprised of Putin and his team of Russian oligarchs, Netanyahu, authors of the 2025 right wing manifesto, Linsey Graham, Kellyanne Conway, billionaire buddy Musk, nut case RFK, Leaders of the Neo-Nazi, skin heads and Proud Boy groups, bought-and-sold supreme court justices? @chang, do you mean that committee?
  • edited November 2024
    @Mark "Articulate"? If pressed, I’m sure I could find ten complimentary things to say about KH, but "articulate"? You don't seriously mean that. The non-answers and word salads are legendary. "I grew up in a middle class family, ng-kay?"

    But I will try to be gracious as a supporter of the winning candidate even if the other side’s supporters are sore losers. I do wish you well in your investing and hope your grief is short-lived.
  • edited November 2024
    As a female, I am proud to be a sore loser and have no intention of making it short-lived.
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