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Possible Harris Cabinet Position?

Kamala Harris has said that she would be comfortable with a Republican in her Cabinet. If that should turn out to be a possibility, I would think that Liz Cheney would be an excellent candidate for either Secretary of Defense or Secretary of Sate. She certainly has the brains and horsepower to handle either of those jobs, and for the most part those responsibilities would not seem to be in any great conflict with her other political values.


  • @Old-Joe she'd be a solid choice. Adam Kissinger or Mitt Romney might also play well.
    I've no idea what slot she might be thinking of but if it helps get the country moving out of the current 2-party malaise I'm all for it.
  • edited August 2024
    Mark said:

    @Old-Joe she'd be a solid choice. Adam Kissinger or Mitt Romney might also play well.
    I've no idea what slot she might be thinking of but if it helps get the country moving out of the current 2-party malaise I'm all for it.

    +1. All mentioned are notable anti Trumpsters.

  • I totally concur. Democracy comes first before the party!
  • edited August 2024
    The above mentioned Cabinet suggestions are all individuals willing to put personal gain behind them for the good of the nation. JFK would need to add several more chapters to his Profiles in Courage today. The book left an indelible impression on me as a teen. I went out and bought paperback copies for every kid in a high school political science class I was fortunate to teach for a year in the late 60s. How far we have strayed.

  • Liz, Adam, yes. Solid. They would not upset me, if selected. Latest generic ballot has Harris up +3.2%. But of course, the election must be won State by State. Foolishness.
  • This just now from The Guardian:
    Former Republican Representative Liz Cheney on Wednesday said she would support Kamala Harris for president, ending weeks of speculation about how fully the member of a GOP dynasty-turned-Trump critic would embrace the Democratic ticket.

    Cheney, who co-chaired the House investigation into the 6 January 2021, attack, became a fierce Trump critic and was ousted in her 2022 Republican primary in Wyoming as a result, made her announcement at an event at Duke University. In a video posted on the social media network X, she finished by talking about the “danger” she believed Trump still poses to the country.

    “I don’t believe that we have the luxury of writing in candidates’ names, particularly in swing states,” she said. “As a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this. Because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris.”
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