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Schwab branded Amex card fiasco

edited April 2024 in Off-Topic
We've all been through this before. Just a heads-up:
When I talk to Schwab, they disavow anything to do with the Schwab-branded Amex card they offer on their website. The only connection is the Schwab name that appears on the card. The application link is run by Amex. It's all Amex. Amex, Amex.

There's a small box on the Schwab website which purports to let you track your card balance, bonus points, etc. after you login to your Schwab account. It knows that you have the card. But you have to enroll. There's a clickable link right there that says: "Enroll here." But the link takes you to a login page for the Amex card info. It's impossible to ENROLL via that link.

I called Amex, attempting to report the glitch. That's all, just a glitch.
......Can't get past the stoopid, useless, worthless, idiotic, moronic f*****g voice-prompt system. It always presumes it heard what you said correctly, and offers you even more useless choices from a sub-menu.
...............Hang up. Try again. Same story.
.........................Hang-up, call the wrong dept. on purpose, just to get a HUMAN on the line, at their end. But he can do nothing. He has to refer me back to the Dept. which never is able to connect me with a human. (i.e., the Customer Rage & Aggravation Dept.)

...................................Hang up again. Get a human in the wrong dept. again. "Ya think maybe Amex and Schwab should have a conversation about fixing that glitch?" We can't be responsible for what happens at the Schwab website. You can go to and enroll there. Not exactly a response to what I was offering, but, what else is new???

I tried to enroll at the Amex website, as instructed. "Sorry, we are unable to....." BOLLOCKS.
-I called one more time. The purpose THIS time was to cancel the card. And the putrid, worthless voice-prompt system made it simple and easy. after I listened to the required legalese crap-ola junk nonsense. ("Don't hang up before the end of the legalese crap!"
I have a different Amex card through Navy Federal. I have never run into this shit. I use the online function a lot, frequently. Never had a problem.
I have, however, run into that same sort of shit before, after receiving a new MasterCard in the mail, co-branded through another local credit union. Impossible to reach a human. And when I reached a human in the wrong department, he could barely be understood. Because English is his 8th language, and he comes from a foreign planet. Great qualifications for someone who must communicate in English, all day long. And of course, he re-directed me to the "proper" department, which never let me "in," to speak to a human.

Because this card was obtained through a local CU, I spoke to the branch Manager, in person. She sincerely listened, and said, "I understand, completely. I'm going to let you cancel this card and report this to the rest of my team at HQ. We used to deal with Visa, but we switched." (I surely did not need her permission to cancel the card! But it's nice to be heard for a change!)

STUFF HAPPENS. And most of it does not fit neatly into the categories programmed into the monstrously abusive, bullshit voice-prompt sentry. Voice-prompt systems are tools of Satan from the depths of hell.


  • "Voice-prompt systems are tools of Satan from the depths of hell."

    I agree completely.
  • AI isn't all it's talked up to be.
    Good luck @Crash
    Suggest Schwab debit card, as I've had only one problem & that was corrected easily.
  • +1.
    But, naw. Prefer paper checks. But T-Mobile has moved away from accepting credit card payments. They want auto-pay done now through your checking account, directly. But they're offering no 3.5% discount to customers on account of THEIR savings by not needing to pay that card-fee to Visa or M/C or Amex.

    Same with the Canadian prescrip. outfit. Snakes. We all live in a den of snakes.
  • edited April 2024
    Absolutely, @hank. And press 92 if you are a hermaphrodite from Neptune. Please listen closely, as our menu options have changed. If you want fries with that, press 21. If you're calling about any of the 12 things I'm programmed to offer canned, recorded answers for, you're in luck. Otherwise, go screw. We just don't care. We never did, or you would not have to wait through answers to thousands of questions you DON'T have.
  • edited April 2024
    "Press 98 if you're frustrated and wish to terminate the call, which is what we've wanted all along. Every CSR we have to hire reduces the CEO's pay, and we can't have that."
  • edited April 2024
    Look at the bright side. At least it’s not saying … ”F - You”

    @Andy’s point is spot on. CEO’s out on the golf course somewhere. Could really care less …
  • Is it just me @Crash or does everything that you touch seem to turn into a cluster**k of phenomenal proportions? Thank you for bringing joy and laughs to the board.
  • @Mark- u'mmm... no, I don't think that it's you...
  • I got to remembering... years ago when I was a radio tech at SF 911 there was a management type guy who seriously proposed a voice-prompt system at 911 to solve a perennial problem of staff shortage.

    If you are being murdered, please press "1"...
  • ... and please leave your address so we know where to send the coroner and the detective tomorrow.
  • edited April 2024
    Glad if there is entertainment value. It would be funny to me, too--- if it were not so serious, and if real, flesh-and-blood people were not being manipulated, abused and fucked by these corporations---on a day to day, SYSTEMIC, deliberate basis. Maybe I am more tuned-in to the shit, because I actually still uphold my right to be treated with respect and courtesy. "We are experiencing heavier than normal call volume." Ya, your idiot machine has been telling me that for 31 years, doinkbrain.

    P.S. My Canadian buddy reminded me the other day about how well people's privacy is protected up there. He drove NEAR a MacDonald's "restaurant" a while ago and received a text asking him to rate his burger. Mother pus bucket.
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