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  • Hope you got to see something @Devo. Cloudy day here in Rochester. No sun or moon to be seen. Got pretty dark for a minute or 2, but that was the extent of our celestial experience.
  • it cleared up nicely. but literally 2 minutes before the peak, it got cloudy again. didnt get the total darkness as we were going to get 90% in any case. still, a cool experience.
  • edited April 2024
    Sorry to hear that Mike. I neglected to buy the special viewing glasses before everybody sold out. Rode the bike about 90 minutes during the eclipse - same as some years earlier. You’re not supposed to look with regular sun-specs. But I dared a few glimpses and got a nice 5 or 10 second view of the sun about 30% covered by the moon. Quite remarkable. This only worked after a thin cloud passed in front of the sun and dimmed it enough to make such a view possible for me..

    Generally in NW Michigan the sky’s were clear. Warmest day of the year so far - in the 60s. I was surprised by how few people I observed out watching the eclipse. Expected a lot more. (This area was rated to have 87% coverage.)
  • Total overcast in MN. Same ol', same ol'.
  • It didn't get that dark here in southern WI. & I took a few peeks through a welders glass. Now I know why I kept one for so many years.
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