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solar eclipse

Where I live near Rochester NY is smack dab in the path of the upcoming solar eclipse! Early weather forecast is a seasonal (for the area) 80% chance of cloud cover. Dam Lake Ontario. Oh, well. I may have to wait another 100 years to see it again. I believe for the US, it starts in Texas and travels northeast. Total coverage of the sun in Rochester is April 8th at 3:20 PM.

Anyone else in the path?


  • edited March 2024
    Yes, Rochester NY is smack in the middle. I remember the last good one here about 8 years ago. Was riding the bike paths on a clear summer day. Eerie sight. Suspect that even on a cloudy day in Rochester the darkness that slowly descends and than lifts over about a 15-20 minute period should be quite noticable.

  • My daughter and her family will be tripping down to Fayetteville, Arkansas to take it in. She has a friend who lives there. Here's a NY Times article for other sites and activities.
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