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WOW ! Four years since the official COVID pandemic announcement !!!

I was looking at cell phone pics I took on March 12, 2020 of the beginning of empty store shelves at a local Kroger store, and I also purchased 6, 2 liter bottles of hand sanitizer at a Sam's Club for $6.50 each. No restrictions then, but a few folks looked at my cart during checkout. I also looked at pics I have of the 'red' circles on a global map by John Hopkins of the COVID areas and the increases each day/week.
I also recall the Treasury market being locked up for a few days in March, until the Treasury stepped in with a fix. For a portion of one or two days, the 10 year note hit .95% yield. Money was made in this area as bond prices popped, while equity everywhere was taking big hits.
Then the crazy period began with how to manage everything at home while remaining safe from the 'cooties'. I recall using an old plastic coffee jug that had a lite mix of bleach and water. We would use this to wipe down the U.S. mail delivers, as no one was sure about Covid transmission methods.
A most amazing period.


  • For sure those are the dark days. Yet we all managed to survive. Modern science came through again.
  • The creation of the Covid vaccine was surely a high point for our medical prowess; unfortunately, the anti-science crazies soon divided the country by promoting conspiracy theories. Thanks for the reminder, @catch22. Hard to believe four years have passed so quickly.
  • edited March 2024
    No kidding - the time has passed very quickly.
    My employer stated employees would be working from home for a "few weeks" in March 2020.
    Little did we know a "few weeks" would morph into approximately 2 years!
    Now we work in a hybrid environment with a significant increase of fully remote employees.
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