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"Markets have false sense of security"



  • I think it all depends on your belief in why people buy stock.

    If you buy stock believing it will give u a share in cheap cash flows that will increase as the company does well etc and make your investment worth lots more? Buy value stocks carefully selected.

    If you buy stock believing that current predicted high growth rate is conservative ( somehow you know more than all Wall street analysts and company insiders etc) and said stock will exceed those expectations justifying its sky high PE( and you can sell to a “greater fool”) buy high growth stocks.

    Maybe a little of both?
  • edited July 12
    @sma3, There is a third belief - the greater fool theory!
  • ”There is speculative excess today relative to recent years.” - David Giroux, T. Rowe Price

    (From Barron’s “Mid-Year Roundtable” July 15 issue)

    Brilliant deduction, Watson!

    Giroux’s Picks: Aurora Innovation / AUR, Danaher / DHR, Revvity / RVTY
    And he still likes utilities.
  • It is interesting to revisit the point of the original post, i.e., the desire to achieve some measure of safety and protection with derivatives, options, etc.

    That's out the window now baby. Party time!
  • @hank - and Jain is excited about the toy you've been playing with.
  • edited July 13
    Mark said:

    @hank - and Jain is excited about the toy you've been playing with.

    Thanks for commenting @Mark. Yes. I saw that reference to NSRGY in the article. Too late. I unloaded the stock Friday along with couple others.
  • hank said:

    ”There is speculative excess today relative to recent years.” - David Giroux, T. Rowe Price

    (From Barron’s “Mid-Year Roundtable” July 15 issue)

    Brilliant deduction, Watson!

    Giroux’s Picks: Aurora Innovation / AUR, Danaher / DHR, Revvity / RVTY
    And he still likes utilities.

    AUR up 38% since this was posted by @hank
  • edited July 16
    Mark said:

    hank said:

    ”There is speculative excess today relative to recent years.” - David Giroux, T. Rowe Price …

    Giroux’s Picks: Aurora Innovation / AUR, Danaher / DHR, Revvity / RVTY
    And he still likes utilities.

    AUR up 38% since this was posted by @hank
    I’ll believe anything @Mark. The 2 mid-caps I sold Friday, locking in a couple 8-10% short-term gains, have both advanced another 7-10% apiece in the 2 days since I sold. Silly me!

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