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Truly sucks: STATES run elections. Until they DON'T, clearly.

The Trumpster's sooper-majority on SCOTUS. Huge, monstrous piles of fetid, smelly doggy poopies.

.....Are they worried about POLITICAL implications? Party vs. Party revenge-moves? That's not their job, actually. ORK! And if such were to occur, the Parties could sue and SCOTUS could block such revenge-moves. The Orange Doink clearly initiated the riot/insurrection on 06 Jan, '21. Clearly, transparently guilty. Disqualified under Sec. 3 of 14th Amendment.

The way that snake wiggles away from accountability makes my blood boil.


  • edited March 2024
    Come on, @Crash- how on earth can we elect a national president if each state can decide who can run there? That's just ridiculous. Texas and it's sycophant follower states would "disqualify" Biden in ten seconds.

    And what would logically follow? If Biden were elected by those states "allowing" him to run, then Texas et al would simply "not recognize" him as the president. Not that they do now, much.

  • Old_Joe said:

    Come on, @Crash- how on earth can we elect a national president if each state can decide who can run there? That's just ridiculous. Texas and it's sycophant follower states would "disqualify" Biden in ten seconds.

    And what would logically follow? If Biden were elected by those states "allowing" him to run, then Texas et al would simply "not recognize" him as the president. Not that they do now, much.

    Yes. Secession. Let 'em go. Uncle Abe was bound and determined to save the Union. By now, I'm not so committed to this shotgun marriage involving Conspiracy Theory doink-heads who make love to their guns and want the USA to be a Theocracy in their own Image and Likeness. Bollocks.
  • edited March 2024
    “'We conclude that States may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office,' the Supreme Court said in its ruling Monday. 'But States have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the Presidency.'”

    “'For the reasons given, responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States,' the ruling said. 'The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court therefore cannot stand.'”

    I agree with OJ that individual states shouldn't decide which candidates can run for president.
    This would inevitably lead to an untenable situation.

    However, I'm upset that an individual who clearly fomented an insurrection
    is allowed to run for any political office never mind the presidency.
    Free elections and the peaceful transfer of power are hallmarks of our democracy.
    This is an absolute mockery of our democracy.

    I'm not a constitutional scholar and therefore can't confirm that "enforcing Section 3
    against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress."

    What happens if Congress collectively shirks its responsibility and fails to enforce Section 3?
    What recourse do U.S. citizens have when this occurs?
    Don't tell me voters can decide at the ballot box because insurrectionists shouldn't be on ballots in the first place!
  • @Observant1

    The SCOTUS ought not to have made that further step, to specify such a thing: that only Congress has the authority to eliminate a candidate for federal office from ballots. The reporting I watched said it was highly unusual. They did not need to do that in order to adjudicate this case. So, now: IF and when Congress gets around to passing a law which spells-out by what criteria and process such disqualification must happen, then there will be something in place which would make it happen. Until then, we're just screwed.

    The Founding Fathers never anticipated such a spineless, lying, conscience-less Orange bag of Farts to ever get within shouting distance of the White House. But he LIVED there, for four years. A testimony to the ignorance of American voters, and an indictment of the worthless, stoopid, idiotic, ridiculous goddam Electoral College.
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