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Corporate Tax Avoidance in the First Five Years of the Trump Tax Law




  • "...Corporate tax avoidance occurs because Congress allows it to occur, and the Trump tax law in many ways made it worse. The corporate minimum tax and expanded tax enforcement funding signed into law in 2022 by President Biden could begin to reduce corporate tax avoidance, as would other proposals from the White House that have not yet become law...."

  • A bit OT but this is what this thread made me think about. I think the US has had better luck spreading capitalism worldwide than democracy worldwide. This thread put my mind on this when I started wondering how corporate taxation could be leveled worldwide so countries could start competing for business at the same point. And, of course, this is because of the nature of capitalism's relationship to so many factors internal to countries. And, yes, I quickly concluded it would be difficult to impossible to level even the starting line.
  • @Anna - just reading about what you were doing made me want to take a nap.
  • edited March 2024
    @Mark, yea, I'm old and boring at this point but find harmless things to bore myself with. Strange ways to waste time at my age.
  • @Anna - not bored, it just sounded like a lot of work
  • ...Just thinking about Ireland, the corporate tax haven. Shameless. I wonder if or whether the EU might, if they chose to do it, even things out, cross-borders?
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