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GQHPX GQG Partners US Quality Div. Income

GQG Partners US Quality Dividend Income Investor Class. GQHPX. Hello, Rajiv Jain.

I see good things, upon examination. But the portfolio is super-dooper concentrated. Dividends, quarterly. So, we get cap gains opportunity and the income. This would be a replacement for BRUFX (T-IRA,) which has fallen down on the job. Not serving our purposes anymore.

The folks at Murklestar do have compliments for the firm. The fund is quite young, still. LOTS of portfolio turnover. Probably best in a retirement account?


  • Rajiv JAIN was the new Barron's Roundtable member this year and was featured in the January 29, 2024 issue. Get a copy for full details. He founded his firm GQG Partners a few years ago, but he has been around and is well regarded. His thinking may be a bit unconventional sometimes. You should find lots of mentions of GQG at MFO.
  • GQEIX has done very well and better than many Quality funds recently but it can be streaky.
  • Big giant piles of dooky:
    The contact phone number provided "is not a working number." So says the extremely pleasant recorded female voice on the phone. What to do? ORK?!
  • edited February 2024
    ...Well, shucks. A few laps around the website, and I still can't find a working phone number. Anywhere. For anyone connected to the firm. Want more info? An email address is provided. Pretty minimalist in terms of customer service. There is a way to open an account online from my bank account, but what I want is a T-IRA rollover transfer.

    Adios, Rajiv Jain. It was nice almost doing business with you.
  • GQRPX, Rajiv Jain’s global growth fund, which holds many of the usual suspects in its top ten, still lost only 3.79% in 2022. Funds in the same category dropped an average of 27% that year. Strikes me as an example of active management working exceptionally well. Jain’s firm has expanded the number offerings, so the risk of the loss of the “key person” must be assessed. I, too, am impressed by the results posted by GSIHX.
  • Rajiv Jain has performed admirably as an investor.
    I considered investing with GQG but "key person risk" in Mr. Jain is a real concern for me.
    Also, the firm's AUM has grown tremendously over the past few years.
  • GQG is a public co
  • ..the firm's AUM has grown tremendously over the past few years.

    The AUM for GQC funds is actually fairly modest. What skews the average is the GS fund (GSIHX) sub-advised by GQC. Interestingly, there is not a pure GQC fund which mirrors the intent of GSIHX. Reading Jain's commentary, he clearly values stocks which provide a dividend, as he sees this plus the reinvestment of the dividend to be an excellent way to build wealth. This view is confirmed by examining the funds available on the GQC website.

    I own GSIHX in a taxable account as well as an IRA. I may transfer the taxable account into GQJPX. With a TTM distribution of 4.44%, that is competitive with other international funds with a divi focus such as IDVO or SCHY, but with an emphasis on stock selection.


    GQG Partners was founded in 2016 and had $120bn AUM as of 12/31/2023.
    Total assets for the GQG Partners International Opportunities Fund accounted for $34.46bn.
  • @crash, for the hell of it, I tried calling 1 (754)-218-5500, the number on the website you linked. It went through, no problem.
  • edited February 2024
    MikeM said:

    @crash, for the hell of it, I tried calling 1 (754)-218-5500, the number on the website you linked. It went through, no problem.


    The number that appears TO ME on the page I linked is:866.372.8333.
    "Not a working number," says the recording. Anyhow, if they're making it so difficult for me to talk to someone, I'm already done with them.

    I have paperwork coming from Weitz. Already spoke to them.
  • @Crash, on web search, I found 2 numbers for GQG:

    Common (754) 218 5500

    Less common (866) 362 8333

    The number you mentioned has 1 digit off. It's "362", not "372".

  • edited February 2024

    @Crash, on web search, I found 2 numbers for GQG:

    Common (754) 218 5500

    Less common (866) 362 8333

    The number you mentioned has 1 digit off. It's "362", not "372".

    Thanks, yogi.

    I guess someone needs to get their shit together, and correct that. LOL. They're not paying me. And I'm done trying to figure it out. I clicked on the two links you posted. The same erroneous number comes up on both for me: 866.372.8333.
    (WTF, eh?)
  • edited February 2024
    GSIHX was mentioned in Morningstar FundInvestor (February 2024).

    "Led by manager Rajiv Jain, Goldman Sachs GQG
    Partners International Opportunities has continued to
    build upon its strong record. Over the 12 months
    ended January 2024, the fund’s 20.6% return crushed
    the MSCI ACWI ex USA Index’s 5.9% return. The
    fund’s performance ranked in the top decile of its
    foreign large-growth Morningstar Category in
    calendar years 2022 and 2023, a rare feat considering
    the drastically different market environments."
  • @Crash, interesting that you only see that incorrect number in ALL links (I and others see different numbers there). It may be some AI-monster that adjusts linked info according to user location, and you probably got a bad AI-monster (-:). I will move on to other things.
  • AI-monster !! Thanks for the laugh @yogibearbull
  • LOL. OK, yogi.
  • Schwab lists GQJPX as available only to existing share holders although the AUM is modest. Not closed at Fido that I can tell

    Anybody know why?
  • @sma3 ....that fund is available at Schwab, although with a difference share class and symbol (GQJIX)...$49.95 transaction fee however.
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