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  • Well, I have to say that on the question of whether many of the European members of NATO were carrying their proper amount of the burden Trump didn't say anything that I hadn't thought for a very long time.
  • and this is 3+ years ago
  • From the NPR article:

    "The Claim
    Sitting down to breakfast in Brussels just before the NATO plenary session Wednesday, Trump accused NATO allies of being freeloaders:

    "Many countries owe us a tremendous amount of money from many years back, where they're delinquent as far as I'm concerned, because the United States has had to pay for them. So if you go back 10 or 20 years, you'll just add it all up, it's massive amounts of money is owed.""

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. All anyone needs to do is go back over trumps records of the past 10-20 years and note how many workers, contractors and supplier's he's reneged on paying to say nothing of his many bankruptcies. He wears those triumphs with a badge of pride.
  • Absolutely- sometimes it takes one to know one.
  • Sometimes I think that, whatever little time he actually worked when he was in the Whitehouse, he worked at maneuvering a way to transfer money from the US Treasury to the Trump bank account. (While his family worked on maneuvering a way to exploit US Presidential clout to transfer money from foreign entities to the Trump bank account.)
  • How cynical. You must have a very negative view of him and his family.

    Of course they did.
  • Both excellent links, @davidrmoran.
  • glad to hear that

    here is another cool Krug against-the-grain piece, just for kicks, and the hotdog-buns link at the bottom leds to still another (subtle args!)
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