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foreign revenue, median EV

after searching the forum and emailing charles, i have a long-needed ?\request for mfopremium search :

would like to someday sort funds based on whether the underlying earnings (and\or any profit metrics) are %foreign vs %u.s. (e.g., 3,5,10yr periods).
[am guessing the raw data needed may not be there for charles]
many large and mega cap funds seem classified based on HQ locale, not actual business dealings ! this seems worthless given peak globalization +/- 10 yrs, and probably even long after.

another unrelated question for all :
is there any recent reference for Enterprise Value stats (mean,median,...) for equity funds & ETFs per standard fund Category and industry classifications? the narrower, the better. (e.g., what is the median EV for specialty chemicals equity, or for holdings in a Foreign Small Blend ETF, etc..)


  • @a2z. Good one.

    Right. I think the current Holdings data reflects Country breakout, but yeah, I suspect by company HQ location, but I will double-check with Lipper. There is also a Currency breakout, but not sure that helps.

    Encore. EV. There are elements of EV in the Portfolio and Equity metrics, but not sure that gets you there. Will follow-up with Lipper on that too.

  • From Lipper ...

    Investment country allocation is derived by taking the market value of the fund’s underlying holdings, grouping them by the country of incorporation of each issuer organization and then presenting as a percentage of the fund’s total net assets. All securities are included in the investment country allocation. The country of domicile would be used in absence of country of incorporation from the Lipper Securities Master File Issuer Organization.
  • From Lipper ...

    Currently, Enterprise Value metric is not part of LGDF datasets yet.
  • thx. am wondering if FactSet , or the like, has such.
    simply out of curiosity, how\why did MFO choose strike a data provider deal with Lipper? best for fund coverage?
  • edited May 2024

    M* wanted twice as much, despite our non-profit status.

    But Lipper now Refinitiv now LSEG has raised the price of LGDF (Lipper Global Data Feed) by about 3-5% every year since circa 2018.

    If it continues, we will need to seek an alternative.

  • please never switch to M* as (i believe) many of us are here as an alternative ! thx.
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