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  • edited December 2022
    Well deserved, senator Warnock.
  • Love it. But it boggles my mind that the race was as close as it was.
  • Truth, @Mark. Almost half of GA voters have their heads up their asses.
  • Until this year GA was a red state. In 2020, both senator seats went to democrats. GA voting map indicates how divided the state is - few blue counties (urban cities) and many red counties (rural areas). This race boiled down to the quality of the candidates in addition to early and large turnout helped. GA is now a hotly contested state. It was a great win for the nation.
  • edited December 2022
    Hi @Sven et al
    This race boiled down to the quality of the candidates.....
    This should have been important; but not unlike other mid-term states; the R's voted not for necessarily qualified candidates, but they would vote for anyone, other than the evil Democrat candidate. The divide remains this large.
  • Yep. This is true.
  • Since the senate seat is a 6-year term, the qualifications of the candidate is very important. There should be little or no contest between these two candidates based on their merits. For someone who claimed to be a vampire or werewolf is totally nut!

    Warnock could have won in a landslide but the margin of victory is small. This suggested that the independent and moderate on both sides already have decided made their choices. The heavy and early turnout helped in this important race for the nation.
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