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Morningstar Devolution



  • IF M* keeps the promise of maintaining the old M* Portfolio until the new M* Investor has similar or better capabilities, that may be a LONG time. I doubt that will happen. Reason is that the initial M* Investor didn't even have manual portfolio entry capability, but that was slapped on late during the beta testing. Then after lots of complaints post-release, M* is promising to add the missing capabilities - that would need lot of band-aid to fix a faulty product. As of now, it doesn't do ANY portfolio level analytics (performance, MPT, etc).

    So, I am prepared for the worst. On one cold Chicago morning, the old M* Portfolio will just disappear without any advance notice, and along with it, all of the saved portfolios. So, my plan is to rely on Stock Rover (SR) and Portfolio Visualizer (PV) and hang on to M* Portfolio only as a backup.
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