Gather around, everyone, for the story of the $2 trillion Not-So-Secret Garden:
Long ago, a gardener planted an iPhone.
“It’s not good for a gadget to be alone,” he said.
So he grew crops of iPads, Apple Watches and AirPods, and summoned an iCloud in the sky to connect and replenish them.
Many people came to the garden to enjoy its delights.
The gardener was happy, until he saw some people wandering out.
So he stacked bricks, one atop another, with names like iMessage, Apple Photos, AirDrop, Apple Fitness+ and so on, until they formed a high perimeter.
Then the people never left.Excerpted from:
WSJ June 4, 2021 (author Joanna Stern)
Just bought an
Air-Tag after a frustrating experience misplacing my keys earlier in the week. The new $35 gadget seems to work. I considered buying another to hang from a shopping cart - which I habitually loose track of in large stores. However, I doubt the thing is loud enough to be heard over the noise.