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edited March 2021 in Fund Discussions
For the very first time, I'm looking at ETFs. Lo and Behold! There's a Canadian bank ETF! RBNK. It has what I want, but it's traded on the Toronto Exchange. Is it obtainable here, on the US side of the border? Morningstar shows it, with all the usual numbers and statistics. But in CAD dollars. And is there a minimum, to get in? I can't find any reference at all to a MINIMUM. Thanks for the help. :)

I'm already very well diversified, or else I'd not even think about this prospect. Some of you might recall my previous messages here. This ETF would be like finding The Promised Land, for me. ;)


  • Here's a start:

    Trading on the Toronto Exchange

    You could try entering the ticker symbol for the ETF but my guess is that you won't find it (fwiw Fidelity doesn't offer it).
  • edited March 2021
    I went to the official Toronto Exchange page. The etf ticker does appear, when I "search" for it. If I buy, it would be through the TRP brokerage account I just set-up. It promises ZERO commissions on online trades. But is it just for US companies, I wonder? That was the case with Firstrade. Grrrrrr.
    "All clients are entitled to a $0 commission rate for online stock and ETF trades..."

    Once again, for the record, I'm talking about the ticker RBNK
    Thank you, @Mark.
  • ......Yes, and today, I inquired as to whether my TRP Brokerage could be the tool to use in order to acquire RBNK. Answer: NO. Shit.
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