'Course, it you're inside the Robinhood and Reddit twitter feeds or posts, you could be having an 1,800% gain this AM, from 12 days ago in GME, GAMESTOP. All one has to do is grab one of these stocks at the right buy and right sell and if your bet is large enough for your portfolio; you won't have to take risk evermore.
And you thought COVID was disruptive.
The more traditional funds and etf's that hold some of the targeted stocks for the past 12 months may indicate over-sized gains; whether from luck or choice for inclusion by a manager. If one of your funds or etf is performing really well, be sure to discover what is pushing the holdings.
Global etf's, real time Star Trek investment moments for the RobinHood alert:
SHIELDS UP !!!Bumpy ride ahead.....; depends where one's money currently resides.
Take care,
buy and hold...stay invested...in it for the long term...don't panic...unlimited QE...loose monetary conditions....
No shame in getting off with the women and children...he who panics first, panics best...distorted markets, no price discovery....
I'd like to introduce my terminology for what is/has been going on and will be used as common vernacular in the history books in the future...."Trap Door Investing"
meaning when you disregarded all common sense and rational thinking, ignored the optics, sky high debt, MMT theorists, sky high valuations, but you are greedy so you walked over the trap door and experienced the Wile Coyote experience...whamo!
What a sheet show, eh?
I'm thinking what is going to happen if this carnage continues and Powell talks this afternoon and the market is so freaky that it does not matter what he jawbones or how much he pulls the lever on the brrrrrrrr central bank purchase machines...Mercy Buckets!
Good Luck to all,
Baseball Fan
Perhaps the global equity needs to take a rest. We are at 53% equity, tech. and healthcare; positions we've held for some time now. The other 47% is in BAGIX, a plain vanilla, active managed bond fund.
'Course, we always prefer to find all of our investments headed into and remain positive, eh?
Interesting times remain in investment land.
From largest stake to smallest: PRWCX RPSIX PRSNX PRIDX PTIAX BRUFX PRDSX. 53% bonds. 29% US stocks. 10% foreign stocks. 8% cash.
I'll add this active Global markets futures page. I've posted this prior, but new folks or whomever may find this interesting. You'll note the "green" clock along the right edge indicating open trading markets. There are other tabs at the top of the page for whatever else you may want to view.
A bit more "red" than normal down the page list.
Disclaimer: this is informational only. My magic 8 ball is undergoing a re-build.
Take care,
We'll discover how the markets move along next week, eh?
With this, I'll post the list again; which may give you a sense of how bonds within your holdings mix fared last week and YTD.
Nice bond list too. I don't own a lot (any) bond funds outside of PIMCO so I just let them do my thinking there for me.
We slowly added more VWO and mathew asia past few days/week.
added GM & QQQ last wk
401k 80/20 still. [all aboard full streams ahead]
For Mama portfolio [retired] all new monies divs go to fidelity 2020 fund and BND FBND
In Texas ~ 25%s economy dependent on energy sectors. Maybe much more pains /sufferings ahead. we see at least 10% of shops small business/big business closing in our town near Austin. Hope we don't see more bankrupcies or see 1980s /2008s marketlike conditions [Main street issues overflow to Wall Streets]
Kind regards
Great link. Thanks for sharing.