I know this is sorta a ridiculous question, but I was able to increase the money into my Roth using a conversion. As I hopefully will not have to touch this, I am mulling over the best fund(s) for it. I am partial to actively manged funds, but want to avoid funds I will have to deal with the only lead manger changing or loosing it ( ie Fairholm etc) or loosing their touch (Vanguard Health Care comes to mind)
However, I also think that funds run by a committee or a computer rarely do well long term.
If things were cheaper it would easier, but I thought I would see what people think. Over the years I have had great success with BPTRX ( Ron Baron has done a great job, but is over 70 and bringing his kids into business. This gives me pause)
POLRX is another of my winners, although rather US centric.
One day the growth bias will change, but it is hard to see when if debt levels stay so high and GDP growth is constrained as a result. Firms with good growth prospects will prosper, although their valuations are very rich currently.