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Pompeo says “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.”

edited November 2020 in Off-Topic
There will be riots if these jokers continue to push this lie:


  • That's some weird stuff they're smoking over there.
  • The circus will be leaving town whether it wants to or not come January. Led by a giant orange clown.
  • edited November 2020
    What a joke. RNC announced layoff to their staff only a week after the election. Many are trying to find other jobs just as COVID-19 cases are rising rapidly. What a mess.
  • Is he referring to their transfer to prison?
  • Mark said:

    Is he referring to their transfer to prison?

    He may get a 4 year stint in an orange jumpsuit.

  • edited November 2020

    “There will be riots if these jokers continue to push this lie ...”

    Yep - I believe that’s what he wants. An excuse to send in well armed Marines to “restore order.” As far as Trump / Biden “supporters”, Mr. Putin, or anyone else, would have no trouble infiltrating / pretending to be one side or the other in order to instigate violence. As long as Trump’s falsely predicated rhetoric continues, this situation can only worsen. So much for the oath - “to preserve protect and defend”.

    From today’s WP - “When darkness fell, the counterprotesters triggered more mayhem as they harassed Trump’s advocates, stealing red hats and flags and lighting them on fire. Scuffles continued into the night as the provocateurs overturned the tables of vendors who had been selling pro-Trump gear and set off dozens of fireworks, prompting police to pepper-spray them.

    “At 8 p.m., violence broke out five blocks east of the White House between the president’s supporters, who wielded batons, and his black-clad detractors, many of whom had participated in racial justice rallies throughout the summer. As the groups approached the same intersection, they charged each other, brawling for several minutes before police arrived and cleared the area.
    In the melee, a D.C. fire official said, a man in his 20s was stabbed in the back and taken to the hospital with serious injuries.”

    Currently viewing a pretty decent presentation of Julius Caesar. Mark Antony’s funeral oration, while far removed from our circumstances, strikes me as a poignant illustration of how a revengeful and unscrupulous mind armed with a large public following and acting under duress might proceed under similarlly distressed circumstances:

    “Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
    Shall cumber all the parts of Italy ...

    Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war,
    That this foul deed shall smell above the earth ...“

  • Probably what we can look forward to for the next 4 years.
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