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  • edited September 2020
    dude, why ever would you want to be in a country of progtards like me??

    are you really gonna try and play the 'why can't we all just get along?' card now? you?
  • @davidrmoran what you and other dems don't get is that there are plenty of good people who aren't racists, who don't believe America is a racist country and who are not looking for the change that the dems and Joe Biden are promising. It's as simple as that for many. The funny thing is I bet many on this forum would vote for Trump if based only on economic self-interest. If Biden wins I suspect one day you'll have the same reaction to Biden's "change" as a supporter of "mainly peaceful protests" has when hit in the head by a rock. THEN it's a riot.
  • you have not studied the policy sentiment polls, the party sentiment polls, the position sentiment polls

    no one sensible is defending rock-throwing or anything close

    btw, you did not mean this to come out as written, correct?

    /// ... if the people (Barbara Res, Mary Trump, Michael Cohen, et al.) who spent years around Trump are to be believed, and I see no reason why they shouldn't be, Trump, at a minimum, is a racist and anti-Semitic.

    just trying to be fair to you
  • edited September 2020
    Agree with your thoughts and that is why I will vote for Trump and not Biden. The socialist left of the vice presidential choice to far out there for me.
    Where would the stock market be without socialism? Without two taxpayer-funded socialist bailouts, one beginning in 2008/09 and another in 2020, everyone's portfolio on this board would probably be worth zip. Yet most Americans own little to no stocks. Those socialist bailouts were for the rich. It is the fundamental hypocrisy of this conservative stance I can't stand.You want socialism for your portfolio and yourself, just not for ordinary working people.
  • you have not studied the policy sentiment polls, the party sentiment polls, the position sentiment polls

    no one sensible is defending rock-throwing or anything close

    btw, you did not mean this to come out as written, correct?

    /// ... if the people (Barbara Res, Mary Trump, Michael Cohen, et al.) who spent years around Trump are to be believed, and I see no reason why they shouldn't be, Trump, at a minimum, is a racist and anti-Semitic.

    just trying to be fair to you

    Thanks. That was Mona's comment, not mine.
  • you have not studied the policy sentiment polls, the party sentiment polls, the position sentiment polls

    no one sensible is defending rock-throwing or anything close

    btw, you did not mean this to come out as written, correct?

    /// ... if the people (Barbara Res, Mary Trump, Michael Cohen, et al.) who spent years around Trump are to be believed, and I see no reason why they shouldn't be, Trump, at a minimum, is a racist and anti-Semitic.

    just trying to be fair to you

    Not sure what the polls have to do with anything. As to defending rock throwing, you missed my point. Watch the clips from Rochester and Pittsburgh that Tucker Carlson showed just this evening. Those clips are real. Once the "progtards" (your term) actually get caught in one of those maelstroms instead of watching it on MSNBC their world view will change, in a hurry. I also suspect that BLM "protesters" cursing at an elderly couple at a sidewalk cafe, and gulping down their drink, is not the type of "inclusion" many liberal suburban Trump haters are hoping for.
  • stop watching carlson, I suggest

    you need to get a sense of proportion and proportions

    not fantasizing about looter apocalypse

    do you stay up nights worrying about the reality of white terrorism ? you should.
  • edited September 2020
    wxman123 said:

    All humans are flawed, and you speak in absolutes that cannot be addressed other than with a contrary opinion. No conscience, no compassion, no moral compass. These are all your opinions.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>MUCH more than opinion. Just look at the corruption and malfeasance of the past 4 years. Can you say, "impeachment?" I just KNEW you couldn't.

    One could say the exact same thing about Bill Clinton based on his admitted conduct.
    >>>>OK, that's arguable.

    Over the course of 4 years I think Trump did a good job. So do millions of other people; get over your disbelief that people can think Trump did a good job, especially on the economy,
    keeping the country safe from terror, killing terrorists, supporting Israel, just for example.
    >>>>>>>Safe? You mean the way he kowtows to a known adversary, and refuses guidance from his own Intelligence sources? The way he doesn't want to hear about Russian attempts to screw with our elections? The way that he oversaw the decision to doctor-up and "cook" intelligence briefings so that they said what he preferred to hear, about China and Iran, instead of Russia? New reporting in the last few days confirms my strong suspicion that the tRumpster is indebted to the Russians for illegal, laundered loans. Not to mention the pee-tape(?) Can you say Deutsche Bank? ..... And support of Israel? He and uncle Bibi are birds of a feather: corrupt, up to their eyeballs. Support for "the only democracy" in the Mideast? Wrong. Israel has become a rogue, Apartheid State, no less than South Africa. Not to mention the illegal and immoral occupation of the land the is SUPPOSED to become Palestine.

    I'm going to judge a person more on what he/she does rather than what they say, or others say about them based largely on innuendo and suspicion.
    >>>>> If you're paying attention, there is a LOT more to see and recognize here, not just innuendo and suspicion. There is way too much evidence. WAY too many facts.

  • stop watching carlson, I suggest

    you need to get a sense of proportion and proportions

    not fantasizing about looter apocalypse

    do you stay up nights worrying about the reality of white terrorism ? you should.

    Right, it's probably all staged by Trump and his band of white supremacists. At least that's what MSNBC would have you believe, and you apparently do. I suggest you DO watch Carlson, but I bet you haven't. In fact, spend 2 hours for a week watching Martha and Tucker and then come back. I HAVE done that with MSNBC and continue to do so. No comparison when it comes to fair and balanced, none. Not even close.
  • @wxman123
    On the money, I also watch CNN and other Lib stations.
    As my grandson loves to say "not even close".
  • CNN "lib?" Just how far in the other direction do you live, politically? Holy cow.
  • says grandpa is not even close? that part I can believe.
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